Isla – composition, action, indications, contraindications. Throat lozenges

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Isla tablets are widely used in the field of throat ailments. There are several different Isla preparations available on the market, each of which has a slightly different application. The manufacturer also made sure that, in addition to its medicinal properties, Isla tablets also had an interesting taste. A special series for children called Isla Junior was also created. Isla lozenges are available over the counter in all pharmacies and some stores. The responsible entity is Engelhard Arzneimittel.

Isla tablets – form, composition and action

The preparation is in the form of lozenges. However, the lozenge contains 80 mg of Icelandic water lichen extract.

The other ingredients:

  1. Ascorbic acid;
  2. Vitamin C;
  3. Sorbitol;
  4. Maltitol (only in some versions);
  5. Medium Chain Triglycerides (certain versions only);
  6. Gum arabic;
  7. Citric acid anhydrous;
  8. Acesulfam K;
  9. Fruit extract (as a flavor ingredient – may vary depending on the type);
  10. Liquid paraffin;
  11. Purified Water.

The composition of the drug may vary slightly depending on the type of lozenges and their taste.

The following are available on the market:

  1. Isla – Cassis;
  2. Isla — Ginger;
  3. Isla — Moos;
  4. Isla — Like;
  5. Isla Medic Hydro+
  6. Isla Junior.

Isla lozenges act as a balm on the throat mucosa. The polysaccharides they contain create a special protective layer on the inflamed mucosa. Thanks to this, they reduce the frequency of the cough reflex. What’s more – mucous substances also prevent further development of pharyngeal inflammatory processes. A bacteriostatic effect has also been found Isla tablets against gram-positive bacteria.

Isla tablets – packaging and price

There are many types on the market Isla tabletseach of which has slightly different uses. In most cases, the price of the tablets is similar.

  1. package 30 pcs. price – PLN 12.99-15.99;
  2. package 60 pcs. price – PLN 19.99-22.99.

Isla tablets – indications and dosage

The indications for the use of the preparation are throat ailments, such as:

  1. dry throat;
  2. chrypa?
  3. throat irritation;
  4. pharyngitis.

Use 1 to 2 lozenges several times a day.

Isla tablets – contraindications and side effects

Isla lozenges should not be used if you are allergic to any ingredient of the drug.

As with any medical device – also Isla lozenges may have some side effects.

These include the possibility of a laxative effect caused by sorbitol – a sugar substitute.

Information about the drug for people with diabetes:

1 tablet contains sweeteners that are sugar substitutes in the amount of 0,997 g = 0,083 bread units (in the case of Isla Junior). The composition of sweeteners may differ for each type of preparation.

The pastilles should be stored at room temperature, protected from moisture and light, and kept out of reach of small children.

For every package Isla lozenges a leaflet is included for you to read.

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