Is your skin losing its firmness? Here are three steps to remedy this
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Tight, elastic, smooth and well moisturized – in a word, firm. Such skin is a sign of youth and a dream of many of us. We advise on how we can comprehensively take care of its tension and enjoy a good look against the birth certificate …

Holy Grail of Youth?

The passing time keeps many women awake at night. And although our skin changes over the years, aging is a very individual process. The faces of two thirty-year-olds may look completely different. How is this possible and how do environmental factors resulting from lifestyle affect the rate of aging? We already explain …

The firmness of our skin depends primarily on the condition of collagen and elastin fibers. These are the building blocks of the skin that form the scaffolding for cells. They decrease with age – it is estimated that already around the age of 25 our skin begins to age, and the annual loss of collagen is about 1 percent. In addition, the amount of hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for maintaining an appropriate water level, decreases. All this causes the skin to become dry, less elastic and more prone to wrinkles over time. The described changes are especially visible on the eyelids, neck and décolleté.

The rate of aging is determined not only by genes, but also by environmental factors such as UV radiation, environmental pollution, a diet low in nutrients, inadequate care, stress and lack of sleep. And this means that each of us has a real influence on how we look – in other words: the firmness of the skin lies in our hands …

What is harmful to the skin?

The main environmental factor influencing the skin’s physiology is solar radiation, which is responsible for photoaging. UVA rays, which are not stopped by the ozone layer, clouds or fog, penetrating through ordinary windows, are particularly dangerous.

The typical symptoms of photoaging include: dryness, loss of skin firmness and the appearance of wrinkles due to the accelerated degradation of collagen and elastin, dilatation and cracking of small capillaries – the so-called spider veins and telangiectasia, discoloration, gray, earthy skin color.

Another factor that has a significant impact on the rate of aging is air pollution, and above all the so-called smog. suspended dust. Harmful microparticles settle on our skin (penetrating through the sebaceous glands and hair follicles) and cause its accelerated aging by the degradation of collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid and the violation of the protective hydrolipid barrier.

Smoking cigarettes also leads to drying out and loss of firmness of the skin, the best proof of which is the “smoker’s complexion”: dull, dull, prone to irritation and redness. At the biological level, cigarette smoke acts on the skin in the same way as UV rays, i.e. it reduces its repair and regenerative abilities, extending the healing period.

Speaking of what influences skin firmness, we must not forget about the diet. The appearance of our “protective mantle” determines the composition of the plate. If the diet is dominated by highly processed food, the aging processes are gaining momentum. Food sugars are especially dangerous for the skin, as they attach to proteins present in its cells in a process known as glycation. This causes their stiffening and weakening, which on the surface of the skin takes the form of wrinkles, loss of firmness and radiance.

It is never too early or too late for anti-aging prophylaxis. The key to firm skin is comprehensive care, as well as taking care of it from the inside.

Firmness “essential”?

Dermatologists have long emphasized that the more work we put into skin care, the slower it will age. That is why each of us should create a home care protocol today.

Number one on the list is a cream with a high filter, which we should use every day, regardless of the season and place where we are. More and more products provide a broad spectrum of protection not only against UVB and UVA, but also IR (infrared light) and HEV (blue light emitted by computers and smartphones).

When it comes to choosing a cream, remember that the needs of our skin are constantly changing and there is one universal product for life. And although the basic recommendations for skin care at the age of 25+, 35+, 45+ or 55+ will apply to everyone at this age, it is also worth taking a look at the individual needs of the skin. A cosmetic worth buying, regardless of age, is eye cream. Time is the fastest in this part of the face.

Another step that will allow us to enjoy supple skin is a proper diet. Let’s try to make our plate as often as possible with vegetables and fruit, which will provide us with vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. Our daily menu includes whole-grain cereal products (oatmeal, wholemeal bread, thick groats, brown rice), which are a source of complex carbohydrates, as well as dairy products (if you have no skin problems), legumes, fatty sea fish, eggs and lean meat that will provide us with valuable protein. Replace animal fats with vegetable fats, such as olive oil. It is also worth including linseed or evening primrose oil in your diet, which should only be eaten cold, e.g. as an addition to a salad. When composing your plate, it is worth paying attention to the nutrients that are especially beneficial to the skin.

In addition to the vitamins of youth (A, C and E), they include the “holy grail” of youth, that is collagen – the main protein of connective tissue. Its name comes from the Greek word “kolla” which means “glue” and it reflects well the nature of collagen. In the dermis, it is the basic component of the matrix that surrounds the cells, therefore it is crucial for its properties – flexibility, strength and density. Collagen can be found in gelatin, jellies or crow’s feet. . If your diet does not contain enough of these products, you can supplement it by choosing valuable dietary supplements such as GlowMe from Health Labs Care.

The citrus-raspberry flavor sachets contain type I fish collagen, which is dominant in the skin. It will have a positive effect on various areas in our body – from improving the condition of the skin to reducing the visibility of cellulite. The other ingredients of the GlowMe dietary supplement are sodium hyaluronate, supporting skin health and reducing wrinkles, as well as youth vitamins A, E and C. The latter is essential for the proper synthesis of collagen.

Movement, which is at the base of the Pyramid of Healthy Nutrition, also plays an important role in the care of firm skin. Physical activity not only regulates metabolism, strengthens our immunity and improves mood – training results in better oxygenation and increased blood flow. As a result, the skin gains a healthy color, firmness and better assimilates nutrients contained in cosmetics, food and dietary supplements.

A home skincare protocol doesn’t have to be complicated. The path to natural beauty is consistency and simple and sometimes tasty solutions.

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