Is your hair falling out? Don’t take this problem lightly

Have you heard about the revolutionary method for hair loss? They promise you miracles in the trichology office? Do you spend a fortune on the best hair care cosmetics and expensive vitamin preparations? Not the way. We advise what to do in case of excessive hair loss, how to prevent and how to treat it.

Causes of hair loss

Hair on the head grows at a rate of 0,3 mm per day or 1 cm per month. The average thickness of a hair on the head is approximately 70 µm. 60-100 hairs fall out per day. We lose more of them in the fall. Hair loss may have a genetic background. It is also often the result of hormonal disorders, systemic diseases or medications.

Excessive hair loss also occurs with prolonged or strong emotional stress, physical exhaustion, and during weight loss. Alopecia may also appear 2-4 months after childbirth.

Home remedies for hair loss

Remember that hair doesn’t like being tied up in horse fire. They are also not used by tightly clasped buns. Then it comes to the so-called hair loss due to pulling, especially around the forehead and temples.

Hair loss and styling with stylers

Also, avoid dryers, curling irons and straighteners that weaken the hair structure. As a result, the hair becomes dry, dull, prone to breakage and mechanical damage, which can lead to hair loss.

Which stylers are best to use?

Invest in good hair brushes and combs. Especially avoid those with sharp edges and hard spikes. They can irritate the scalp and make the hair breakage more easily. Remember that tugging and tugging also harm your hair.

The use of a large amount of cosmetics, such as foams, varnishes, gums, gels or paints not only weighs down the hair, but can also irritate the scalp and initiate inflammation. Styling preparations containing alcohol are especially harmful.

Daily washing – can it harm your hair?

Contrary to popular belief, washing your hair every day does not have to be harmful to your hair. But there are some simple tips to follow: choose shampoos and conditioners that suit your hair type, wash your hair in moderately warm water, and gently comb your hair before shampooing.

  1. When the hair is sick – alopecia, mycosis, seborrheic dermatitis

Dietary supplements for hair loss

The most important thing is a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals. Periodically, in the fight against excessive hair loss, the following can help: iron, zinc, copper and vitamins A, B, E. At Medonet Market you can buy a set of hair and nail supplements with biotin, zinc and B vitamins.

Home remedies for hair loss

It was once mistakenly believed that cutting hair was an effective way to strengthen it. It is much better to use masks made of eggs and avocado, linseed and green tea.

Hair loss and a visit to a dermatologist

If home remedies have failed, it is worth going to a dermatologist for consultation. The classic methods used in the diagnosis of scalp diseases, apart from the clinical examination, are: daily hair loss assessment, washing test, pull test, hair weighing and trichogram – examination of previously plucked hair under a microscope. Such a study allows to some extent to predict the rate of hair loss.

  1. Hair transplant – how does it work and how much does it cost?

In younger women with significant alopecia or hirsutism, it is advisable to determine the concentration of free testosterone and dihydroepiandrosterone (DHEA-S) and a gynecological consultation. The treatment uses finasteride or 2%. minoxidil, which often stops hair loss, and sometimes causes hair to regrow. In women, it is also recommended to use hormonal contraceptives with oestrogenic or anti-androgenic effect.

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