Is your child allergic? Try homeopathy!

Today, millions of children are allergic to one or more allergens, especially respiratory and food. Homeopathy is effective on acute allergy symptoms, because it makes it possible to limit the intake of tablets or “medicinal” creams, which are not devoid of undesirable effects. She Also “works” on the substance, the allergic ground, to decrease the frequency and the intensity of the crises. With, the key, an allopathic treatment maintained at its minimum level.

How does the allergy develop?

To have an allergy, such as allergic rhinitis for example, you need three ingredients:

1. The genetic factor is decisive: a family allergy multiplying by four or five the risk of becoming allergic.

2. The concentration of allergens, which explains the explosion of symptoms in spring, the period of pollens.

3. Environmental factors in the broad sense, and in particular the way of life in developed countries.

Treating atopic eczema with homeopathy

An asthmatic father, a mother sensitive to dust mites … Scabs of milk on the scalp or eyebrows of infants a few weeks old, otherwise in perfect health, are warning signs. The cradle cap disappears, then, over the weeks, the baby’s cheeks redden and itch, with some sores and, in the folds, redness … All these parameters indicate atopic eczema.

>> Homeo solutions. “As a background medication, we usually give a dose of blood cells per week of Calcarea Carbonica in high dilutions, in 9 or 15 CH Advises Dr Popowski. Other basic remedies for very dry eczema: Arsenicum album in 15 CH. We add, to treat pruritus (itching), an “acute remedy”: Dolichos Pruriens en 5 ou 7 CH, for children who scratch during teething (which is the case up to 3 years!), four to six times a day depending on the intensity of the symptoms. “Sometimes this topical treatment works so well that the DMARD may seem unnecessary, at least temporarily. But without it, the eczema will relapse, the causal disorder not having been corrected, ”observes the doctor.

When redness predominates, it is Belladonna in 5 CH that suits. On a dry eczema, with cracks, Petroleum in 5 or 7 CH. On oozing lesions, Graphites in 5 CH.

“Allergy is the body’s overreaction to a foreign substance, an allergen.”

Treating allergic asthma in children with homeopathy

After an atopic eczema (to which, very often, a cortisone cream has been applied) and several bronchiolitis, the child can develop “infant asthma”: a stereotypical fate! At the age of 3 or 4, he therefore receives a bronchodilator (the famous Ventolin) when he wheezes. He will also need to take an inhaled corticosteroid as a background treatment.

>> Homeo solutions. Arsenicum album still in 15 CH as a basic treatment, which is administered alone if your child is anxious, particularly agitated, or his asthma worsens around one in the morning. It is also possible to give alternately several arsenic salts. The context also helps to choose this or that remedy… For example, we will give Ignatia for crises punctuated by school life. Hypersecreting asthma in a child who is hypersensitive to his emotional environment is the responsibility of Pulsatilla

In dealing with the crisis, two great classics, Ipeca in 7 CH in case of nausea, or Antimonium Tartaricum in 7 CH for very congested children, and this, at the beginning of the crisis. “In addition to the reference allopathic bronchodilator, of course, if it is indicated,” warns Dr Popowski.

Treat urticaria with homeopathy

There, the disturbance of the ground is expressed by red, swollen, itchy patches on any part of the body, often fleeting. There are several reasons for this symptom: a contact allergy, to nettle or a jellyfish sting. But most often it is due to a food allergy: to strawberries, fish, milk, eggs, additives and dyes, etc.

>> Homeo solutions. We desensitize with a similar allergen, in increasing homeopathic concentrations: Homarus, Jellyfish, etc. “As a basic treatment, arsenic salts ou Lycopodium en 15 CH on a fragile liver, ”suggests the homeopath. In acute treatment, on egg urticaria, Raphanus in 7 CH or, an allergy to nuts, Lathyrus Sativus en 7 CH.

“Homeopathy also“ works ”on the background, the allergic area, to reduce the frequency and intensity of crises.”

Interview Anne-Laure Benattar, psycho-bodily therapist: “An alternative to treat children’s allergies, NLP”

“When the treatments are not enough, why not try to question the psyche of the little patient and see if behind these allergies there are not other more unconscious causes… in order to release them in another way…

One of my 9 year old female patients had been allergic to pollen since the age of 5. She had tried several methods of desensitization, which brought her well-being without completely releasing the symptom, which recurred each season.

While studying his history, an important event had taken place a few months before the onset of symptoms: his father had been diagnosed with cancer, and he had fought his disease for several years before his remission. My patient had to wear a mask at home for several weeks to protect her father. His father’s illness and this “masked” episode had been experienced quite aggressively by the child, preventing him from breathing freely. The symptoms appeared in the spring that followed, as if the pollen had been associated with an attack by his brain, recalling the previous one …

A hypnosis session allowing him to go beyond this period, suggesting to his unconscious to dissociate it from the symptom, and another session of NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), reframing the symptom and proposing to the unconscious to replace it with new ones unconscious solutions, got the better of the allergies of this little girl, who was able to take full advantage of the outings outdoors in the midst of the pollen peak the following spring… The unconscious has its mysteries, and also its resources, which can complement the benefits of homeopathy… ”

Auteur: Brigitte Blond


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