Some people love him, others hate him. There is nothing in between. It’s about tomato juice. It contains many valuable nutrients for our body. It is even believed that tomato juice provides more beneficial substances than tomatoes alone. On the other hand, salt is usually added to it, which, if consumed in excess, may contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases. Which tomato juice should you choose? Which tomato juice is the healthiest?
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In this article you will learn, among others:
- Is tomato juice healthy?
- Which tomato juice is the best?
- Which tomato juice should you choose?
- Which tomato juice is salt-free?
- What are the benefits of drinking tomato juice?
Is tomato juice healthy?
Tomato juice contains a high content of minerals and vitamins. It is a source of lycopene, a substance classified as strong antioxidants. It inhibits the action of free radicals and thus prevents the aging of the body. It stimulates blood circulation, inhibits the clotting process, lowers blood pressure and has anti-cancer properties. It’s a good idea to drink tomato juice after a meal as lycopene is fat-soluble. In addition to lycopene, we have potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, copper, and cobalt.
Which tomato juice is the best?
It would seem that this is an ideal product. Unfortunately, there is one drawback – salt. A small percentage of the products on the market are sold without salt added. To some extent, our body needs it for the proper conduction of nerve impulses, regulation of the water and electrolyte balance or the functioning of muscle cells. Unfortunately, we eat too much of it these days. Consumption should not exceed 5 grams per day – including the salt that is present in the products. Excess sodium may lead to impaired proper functioning of the kidneys, damage to the gastric mucosa and increased blood pressure, and further to cardiovascular diseases.
Which tomato juice should you choose?
Which tomato juice is salt-free?
I found only two juices on the market that do not contain added salt: Fortuna WW + without salt and Sam Sok, which is a pity, because in May a study appeared in the Food Science & Nutrition magazine which showed that consumption of unsalted tomato juice improves blood pressure, reduces the level of LDL in people at risk of cardiovascular disease.
Benefits of drinking tomato juice
481 middle-aged people (57 years old) took part in the study. All persons were allowed to drink unlimited amounts of unsalted tomato juice daily. Each person was tested for risk markers of cardiovascular diseases, i.e. blood pressure, lipid profile and glucose tolerance were checked. After the study, it turned out that in 94 people who did not receive treatment for hypertension, the level of blood pressure decreased. In 125 people, the level of LDL was lowered.
It is worth including unsalted tomato juice in your diet, especially if you are at risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Especially that 1 cup of such juice is only about 48 kcal.
- Odai T., Terauchi M., Okamoto D., Hirose A., Miyasaka N., Unsalted tomato juice intake improves blood pressure and serum low‐density lipoprotein cholesterol level in local Japanese residents at risk of cardiovascular disease, 2019
Do you like tomato juice? Which juice is your favorite?
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Amanda Pawlak Dietician
Dietitian specializing in the nutrition of pregnant women, nursing mothers, small and large children, and how the diet affects fertility. Co-author of the e-book on nutrition for children “Every bite makes sense”. She is on Instagram as parents.2be, devoted to a healthy approach to diet. She loves to cook and there is little space in her kitchen for meat. Privately, she is passionate about traveling on her own, vanlife, environmental protection and physical activity.
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