Is there an ideal position to have a child?

Is there an ideal position to have a child?

As soon as you want to have a baby, it is natural to want to put all the chances on your side to quickly realize your pregnancy project. And many couples ask themselves this question: is there a position to get pregnant quickly? Our responses.

When should you have sex to get pregnant?

As Professor François Olivennes sums it up, “pregnancy is a successful meeting between a sperm and an oocyte: everyone is there, in the right place and at the right time ” (1). But this “good time” is not so common in humans, because the oocyte is only fertilizable within 12 to 24 hours after ovulation. To maximize the chances of pregnancy, it is therefore important to detect your “fertility window”.

For this, it is necessary to know the date of ovulation. On regular cycles, ovulation is on the 14th day of the cycle, but there is great variation from woman to woman, and even from cycle to cycle. To optimize your chances of pregnancy, it is therefore advisable to use a temperature curve, the method of observing cervical mucus or ovulation tests in order to precisely detect the date of ovulation.

Knowing that sperm can remain fertilizing in the female genital tract for 2 to 5 days, the “fertility window” is therefore between the two days (see 5) before ovulation and the day of ovulation. Experts recommend having intercourse at least every other day during this period. Every day is obviously better.

However, this timing does not guarantee the occurrence of a 100% pregnancy, because many other factors are taken into account for fertilization: the quality of male and female gametes, the condition of the tubes and uterine lining, etc. . Thus, in the absence of any abnormality, a fertile couple has only a 25% chance per cycle of achieving pregnancy (2).

Is the ideal position a myth?

The existence of an ideal position to have a baby has always interested scientists … and couples. However, to date, no study has been able to demonstrate the existence of a position more fruitful than another.

What positions should you take to get pregnant?

There is no real “kama sutra” of fertility but empirically, we advise to favor the positions where the center of gravity plays in favor of the path of the spermatozoa towards the oocyte, such as the Missionary position, the doggy style. , the position of the bamboo. Conversely, the positions where the woman is above the man like the Amazon, the position of Andromache or the Union of the lotus, would not facilitate the rise of spermatozoa in the vagina.

The main thing, however, is to have fun, whatever the position. According to the theory of “upsuck” (aspiration), uterine contractions triggered by female orgasm promote, thanks to a phenomenon of aspiration, the retention of sperm and the rise of sperm towards the cervix. A small study has shown that female orgasm can increase the chances of conception by up to 15% (3).

However, pleasure cannot be reduced to a story of sexual position. Communication and understanding within the couple, letting go of the woman are all ingredients that impact sexual pleasure.

And after love?

Should you lift your legs? Or even do the pear tree? This is not necessary … Some specialists recommend, however, not to get up immediately after intercourse, or even to keep your pelvis raised by a cushion. No study has validated this advice, but we can still adopt it.

On the other hand, to be avoided for sure: the intimate shower after sex. For a long time, moreover, this gesture was part of the contraceptive arsenal.

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