There are dozens of alcohol traditions and superstitions, the origin of which is not always clear. One of the signs is associated with the phenomenon of a “light” hand. Many are sure that pouring alcohol should not be entrusted to people with a “heavy” hand, since this can lead to negative consequences – from a quarrel at the table to a severe hangover. Let’s see if this phenomenon really exists and where the superstition came from.
What is a light hand
The belief about the “light” and “heavy” hand is widespread in Russia. Even scientists speak out in favor of the existence of the phenomenon, but they do not find an explanation for it. The effect is manifested in a variety of occupations and professions – a light hand is most often spoken of in relation to gardening, medicine and hairdressing. People with this talent achieve good results with less effort, and in life they are lucky.
The phenomenon is associated with innate observation and a positive attitude to any business. People with a light hand tend to be confident and not nervous about the outcome of their work. The attention of such a person is relaxed, which gives him the opportunity to notice more details and form a wider information picture. This character trait is called intuition. The nurse unconsciously chooses a good place for the injection, and the manipulation does not cause pain to the patient, and the gardener plants flowers and trees exactly where they will grow best.
People with developed intuition do everything easily and effortlessly, and life experience provides additional knowledge and skills. Human actions become clearer and more precise, which leads to excellent results. Often the ability to observe is mistaken for luck, but this is far from being the case. People themselves cannot explain why they do everything better, hence the belief about a light hand.
The phenomenon of a heavy hand is often associated with bad energy. A negative attitude to life, envy of other people’s successes may not appear outwardly, but it negatively affects business and communication. Many intuitively refrain from contact with such people, since even good wishes from them often turn into trouble. There are energy practices aimed at combating this phenomenon. Changing priorities and developing intuition is good, but few people are aware of the problem and are willing to work on a solution.

Alcohol and a light hand
Many are skeptical about the sign associated with the ease of the hand of the pourer. Doubts are justified – the organoleptic properties of alcohol will not change in any way, no matter who pours it. However, the phenomenon exists, and they talk about it. Why does alcohol bring pleasure and joy in one case, and quick intoxication and a severe hangover in the other?
In Russia, there was a tradition – the owner of the house always poured alcohol into the bowls, wanting to please the guests. A friendly atmosphere was created around the table, conducive to a good mood. Wine was supposed to be poured first of all for oneself in order to drain the oil, which was used to protect the drink from spoilage. It was not customary to change the pourer for fear of frightening off luck and bringing trouble to the house.
The tradition has been preserved to this day – the host pours alcohol at a party, and in companies they choose a person with a light hand who creates the right mood due to his character. The cheerful atmosphere at the party helps to ensure that its participants do not drink too much, and the pourer, thanks to developed intuition, will track the moment when to stop. As a result, guests will disperse in a good mood, and in the morning they will not suffer from a hangover.
Other signs
Many folk signs are associated with hands, each of which has its own historical roots:
- the tradition of not pouring through the hand was born in the Middle Ages, when a guest could be thrown poison until he sees his glass;
- it was forbidden to pour from oneself, as it was possible to spill an expensive drink;
- in rich houses it was not customary to pour on weight, as this was considered the lot of the poor, who drank cheap alcohol from a barrel.
Signs have survived to this day and many people continue to follow them, without even thinking about the origin of superstition. Often, the owner of a light hand is determined intuitively – such a person is positively minded, lucky, everything works out for him. Often he becomes the soul of the company, because he is pleasant to talk to. However, if you rely on the opinion of scientists, then the ability to observe can be developed in yourself if you constantly practice and believe in success.