Is there a boomerang law in life and how does this rule work?

Hello dear readers of my blog! Have you heard that everything in life comes back like a boomerang? Do you know how rich folk wisdom is on this topic? For example, “What you sow, you will reap”, “As it comes around, it will respond”, “Do not spit in the well, otherwise you will have to drink water from it” … And they are all for a reason, because there is this boomerang law. If only because the entire Universe consists of laws that operate continuously and which we cannot influence.

Features and general information

Both ancient thinkers and modern scientists were interested in this topic, and even psychology and religion did not bypass this issue. No one has exactly been able to unravel the secret of this law, but one thing is clear — it has no time limits. That is, if you have done something unforgivable in relation to another person, you should not expect retribution immediately. Sometimes it happens that misconduct affects even the descendants, who are passed on not only the knowledge accumulated by the family, but also sins, because there is a connection between generations.

Another feature is that the return reaction does not come from the person to whom you did good or evil. It also has the ability to expand. A very important principle that some people miss is that the boomerang even works on our thoughts. Yes, yes, remember, I said that thoughts are material (read here), energetically charged and equated with actions?

That is, if you thought very badly about someone and mentally wished the worst, this already symbolizes action. The universe will hear the message, only now the charged energy will return to its owner. Even if you helped another person, but at that moment you didn’t want it at all, then the negative that you experienced at that moment will return. Therefore, it is important to defend your boundaries, and gently say “no” to others if you really don’t want to do something. Do not commit violence against yourself and at the same time receive punishment.

If you have forgotten the theory of the power of thought, I recommend re-reading the article on methods for attracting success.

Is there a boomerang law in life and how does this rule work?

The law has its own formula, which looks like this

  • All the good things you do will come back to you threefold;
  • Everything bad that you do will come back to you tenfold.

Such a big difference because to motivate a person to do good deeds, for which he will receive encouragement.

There are times when a person follows this principle, tries to think positively and does not harm others, but in life, something is still not the way we would like. Then, of course, the easiest way is to question the probability of the work of the Universe and wonder if this law really exists? I have an answer to this question. The fact is that if we expect a benefit, the opposite situation will happen. Is it possible to call an altruist a person who helped the destitute, and is waiting for the recognition of others, or even demands it, accusing him of heartlessness?



The most important rule is to think positively, learn to notice the good in your life, because happiness is made up of small grains of joy. Be grateful for every day you live, appreciate what you have, it is necessary first of all for you. If the style of thinking begins to change to a positive one, you will be in a good mood, then there will be no desire to do dirty tricks to another, and, accordingly, encouragement will arrive. The Universe loves those who know how to appreciate and enjoy life, giving warmth to others.


Do good every day, even a smile sometimes works wonders, because it is a powerful support. Directly set a rule for yourself, every day to do something good and pleasant, not only for yourself, but also for others. Then the world will give you back in time, as they say. And before going to bed, remember how productive the day was.


Envy is a motivating feeling when there is a desire to possess something that another has. It moves us to action, we can say that envy develops us. This is only when a person understands that it is necessary to make efforts to achieve the same result, and is ready for activity. But, unfortunately, sometimes it happens that for some reason it is easier to get angry at another. Then envy destroys, and not only because you have to keep in yourself feelings of anger, irritation, and maybe resentment of fate, but also because all this energy will then come back. There is only one way out — work on yourself, if you want to — move towards your dream, act, rise with every fall, and over time you will come to your dream.


Don’t take revenge if you’ve been hurt. Believe me, holding resentment and anger will only harm your body, there is a risk of getting diseases such as ulcers, headaches, tooth decay, heart problems, and more. If the truth is on your side, over time, the Universe itself will punish the offender. You only need to find a safe way to release negative energy, for example, creativity or sports can help. Then it will be easier to forgive and let go of the situation in order to live on without carrying an unnecessary burden in the form of an image of an offending person.


Give up the habit of gossip about others, focus on your life. After all, if you are more interested in discussing the misdeeds of others than thinking about your own mistakes and ways to correct them, then what kind of attraction of success can we talk about? Boomerang will not keep you waiting in this case.


That’s all, dear readers! In fact, everything is very simple, you know the expression: «Do to others as you want them to do to you»? Love, help others, recognize their importance and notice even small achievements, and you will feel how the quality of your life will improve. Let the boomerang effect be present only in the form of creation, filling you with joy and happiness! Subscribe to my blog to keep abreast of new interesting topics about self-development.

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