Is the presbyopic doomed to glasses?

Are you frightened by the thought that after 40 you will become an eyewear? Or maybe for professional reasons you can’t afford glasses? Fortunately, apart from traditional methods of treating presbyopia, modern medicine offers us other solutions.

  1. Presbyopia is not a disease, temporary ailment, or a defect. It is a natural evolution of the organ of vision, inscribed in human physiology
  2. In the case of presbyopia, age is the main risk factor, but the fast aging of our eyes is also influenced by: regular and long-lasting work in front of the monitor, taking antidepressants and antihistamines, inadequate diet or stimulants.

Intraocular lenses

We can get rid of presbyopia by the way cataract surgery. It is the most frequently performed surgical procedure in the world, usually performed on an outpatient basis. The procedure takes 15 to 30 minutes. It is carried out on one eye at a time. The other eye is usually treated a few days or weeks later. – Cataracts, i.e. clouding of the lens, affecting mainly elderly people, are removed by the phacoemulsification method, which consists in breaking the cloudy lens with ultrasound. The broken lens is removed and replaced with an artificial implant. The patient is implanted with one of two types of lenses: one- or multifocal. Single vision lensesApart from cataract removal, they ensure good quality of vision, either far away or near. Usually, patients choose good far vision. For near vision, it is then necessary to wear corrective glasses. But already technologically advanced anti-presbyopic lenses, improve vision across the entire spectrum, i.e. distance, near and intermediate distances, including, for example, computer work. They usually allow very good distance vision, good indirect vision and sufficient near vision to perform basic tasks such as answering the phone, reading text messages, checking the store price up close without glasses. However, longer reading may require the use of glasses – comments the ophthalmologist professor Andrzej Grzybowski. Although multifocal lenses they have many advantages and are not suitable for everyone. If you have certain eye conditions, such as glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, diabetic macular edema or macular degeneration, you may not be eligible for these and you should discuss alternative treatment options with your ophthalmologist.

* For more information on current solutions to correct presbyopia, see the new online platform dedicated exclusively to presbyopia:

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