Is the penis pump effective?

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How effective is the penis pump? How does it work? By how many centimeters can the penis enlarge? Is it really worth buying? Where is the best place to buy it? The question is answered by the drug. Paweł Żmuda-Trzebiatowski.

How effective is the penis pump?

Good day. Honestly, I don’t know how to start this topic. It is quite intimate and embarrassing for me. I am a man who is 29 years old penis problem. I think it is quite small. I noticed this a long time ago, but the thing that touched me the most was seeing my colleagues naked in the shower. Unfortunately, one day the curtains in the shower cabins were replaced and we took a bath without them, then I noticed that my colleagues’ limbs are indeed much larger than mine.

My partner (I didn’t have a lot of them) doesn’t seem to complain about our sex life, but somehow I would like to enlarge my penis and make it better. I read that it can be effective penis pump. Please explain to me how it works? Is such a pump really effective? By how many centimeters can my penis enlarge? I wonder if it’s worth buying.

Please let me know where I should buy it, order it online or buy a stationary pump. And above all, what should I consider when choosing it. Is it really effective? Greetings Piotr.

The doctor explains how the penis pump works

Dear sir, the pump you mentioned is not effective, it does not enlarge the penis. Unfortunately, its use may result in penile damage, which may result in erectile dysfunction, which is why I do not recommend buying this type of product. Penile size problem is an invention of men themselves, most women do not pay attention to size. The smaller size is not a cause for embarrassment or complexes. It does not mean that you are inferior or less valuable. A loving woman will look at your interior, not the size of your penis.

However, if you think that penis enlargement will have a positive effect on your personal life, there are several ways to enlarge it. If you want to mainly increase the circumference, and thus thicken the penis, you can undergo penile injection with hyaluronic acid. It is a quick and relatively safe procedure that gives satisfactory results.

Unfortunately, the effect is not permanent and this procedure should be repeated from time to time. The cost is about two to three thousand zlotys. Another method that allows penis enlargement is surgery, which involves cutting the suspensory ligament, which allows you to extend the penis. Penile injection can be performed in an aesthetic medicine clinic, in the case of surgery, you must first consult a urologist.

I suggest that you talk honestly with your partner, most likely only you see the problem and your partner is satisfied with the current condition. So please do not buy any pumps or supplements that would also cause penile elongation, because, as I mentioned before, they do not have any effect and can only be harmful.

– Lek. Paweł Żmuda-Trzebiatowski

Additional information on penis plasty can be found on the website

Where to perform penis enlargement with hyaluronic acid?

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