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Can you rely on the LTT test result for Lyme disease? What is the LTT test for Lyme disease? How is this test done? How can I be sure that the LTT test will clearly confirm Lyme infection? The question is answered by the drug. Anna Mitschke.

Will the LTT test for Lyme disease clearly confirm an infection?

Good day. My question is about LTT test for Lyme disease. At the outset, I will describe my story – a few months ago, after returning from an outdoor trip, I noticed a tick on my leg. I panicked a little, so the nurse at the normal district clinic where I go had it removed for me. She even told me what to look for, but she reassured me that risk of Lyme disease it’s not big, although it’s worth watching the site of a tick bite.

After some time, they started to show up for me symptoms of Lyme diseaseor actually symptoms that may indicate Lyme disease. However, diagnosis is difficult in my case and the doctor recently indicated that I should do the LTT test for Lyme disease. Could you please let me know what the LTT test for Lyme disease is? I am particularly interested in the most important thing – is the LTT test for Lyme disease reliable? I am afraid if I am sick, but I would like to finally know if I have Lyme disease and start treatment. Will the LTT test confirm Lyme disease? Will there be a necessity even after it? additional tests for Lyme disease?

The doctor explains the reliability of the LTT test for Lyme disease

LTT test – blast transformation of lymphocytes, which involves the study of lymphocyte responses to spirochete antigens under culture conditions, is not a recommended method of diagnosing Lyme disease. This study answers the question of whether the patient’s immune system has ever come into contact with microbe Borrelia spp. If such contact took place, the result is positive. However, even a positive test result does not confirm Lyme disease. There are many tests on the market that are supposed to confirm falling ill with Lyme disease. Unfortunately, they are not reliable and have not been recommended in the diagnosis of this disease. Therefore, the disease is often overdiagnosed.

Currently in diagnosis of Lyme borreliosis two-stage diagnostics are used. Specific IgM antibodies in the serum are tested by the Elisa method. A positive or doubtful result is confirmed by western blot. However, it should be remembered that a positive serological test result without clinical symptoms typical for Lyme disease has no diagnostic significance.

The early symptoms of the disease include flu-like symptoms. There is a creeping erythema with the character of a red spot or papule, which grows rapidly and has a brightening inside. The edges are clearly demarcated, with no itching or pain symptoms. Rarely, cutaneous lymphocytic lymphoma may be an early symptom. Arthritis, myocarditis, or symptoms from the nervous system – neuroborreliosis may also occur in the early stages of the disease. In the chronic stage, chronic forms of diseases such as atrophic dermatitis of the extremities, arthritis, and neuroborreliosis can be observed. Usually not all symptoms are present. Different stages of the disease can occur simultaneously.

In the event of disturbing symptoms, you should contact your primary care physician, who will verify the need for diagnostics and, if necessary, refer you to an infectious disease specialist.

— Lek. Anna Mitchke

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