Is the coronavirus resistant to ionizing radiation?
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Coronavirus prevention is very simple. It is enough to use commonly known chemicals and observe certain safety measures to effectively avoid getting sick. We asked Dr. Tomasz Dzieścitkowski, a virologist from the Medical University of Warsaw, whether the coronavirus is resistant to ionizing radiation.

What symptoms does the coronavirus cause?

Coronavirus causes respiratory infections. It is manifested by fever, cough, weakness, muscle aches and shortness of breath. In severe cases, there are respiratory problems, septic shock, sepsis and severe multi-organ failure. In extreme cases, COVID-19 causes the death of the sick person.

  1. Check it out: Why isn’t everyone who has symptoms of coronavirus undergoing testing?

How can you catch the coronavirus?

The coronavirus is very contagious. You can get infected with it through droplets, either directly or indirectly. People with visible symptoms are the main source of infection, and they can be directly infected with COVID-19. Each time they cough or sneeze, they release the coronavirus as an aerosol into the environment. So let’s remember that in this form, the coronavirus can survive in the air for up to 3 hours.

Check if you may have contracted the COVID-19 coronavirus [RISK ASSESSMENT]

The coronavirus can also hit various surfaces which automatically become a source of indirect infection. The coronavirus can be transferred onto itself by touching contaminated surfaces. The easiest way to do this is when we touch our eyes, mouth or nose with unwashed hands.

  1. Check it out: How long does it take to recover from coronavirus infection? The WHO expert explains

How can coronavirus infection be prevented?

Preventing Coronavirus infection is very simple. Just remember a few simple steps:

  1. often wash your hands with soap and water – if we do not have such a possibility, disinfect them with appropriate alcohol-based agents (minimum 60%) – this way you can significantly reduce the risk of infection;
  2. do not touch your eyes, mouth and nose – coronavirus can be found on various surfaces and spread just by touch. By touching your face, especially eyes, mouth and nose with unwashed hands, you can easily transmit the virus to yourself;
  3. regularly clean surfaces that you often touch – just rinse with soap and water, among others door handles, handrails, table tops, desks, remote controls, etc.;
  4. frequently disinfect your mobile phone and put it aside when eating – the phone screen is a source of many pathogenic microorganisms, which you can get rid of by wiping it with a disinfectant tissue;
  5. keep a distance from your interlocutor – approx. 1-2 meters;
  6. try to cough and sneeze while covering your face – just cover your face with a handkerchief or your elbow. Be sure to disinfect your hands with a disinfectant afterwards;
  7. take care of an easily digestible, healthy diet rich in fruit and vegetables, and drink a minimum of 2 liters of water each day;
  8. use proven sources of knowledge about the coronavirus – thanks to this, you will not panic and you will be rational in the face of an epidemic.


In order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, the most important thing is to wash your hands and the various surfaces we touch frequently. By remembering these simple steps, we can greatly reduce the risk of contracting COVID-19.

Can you get rid of the coronavirus under the influence of ionizing radiation?

Dr. Dzieścitkowski explains that under the influence of radiation, the coronavirus will cease to be active. – Unfortunately, it is not possible for every Polish home to have appropriate equipment emitting such radiation. So it is an effective way to get rid of the coronavirus, but difficult to implement – explains the expert.

The editorial board recommends the most important articles about the coronavirus:

  1. Antibacterial gels are disappearing from the shelves. Do they work against the coronavirus?
  2. Why does the coronavirus kill some and run like a cold in others?
  3. What’s new about the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and COVID-19 disease?

Have a question about the coronavirus? Send them to the following address: [email protected] You can find a daily updated list of answers HERE: Coronavirus – frequently asked questions and answers.

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