😉 Greetings to the guests of the site and regular readers! Gentlemen, now there is a lot of information on the Internet about teeth whitening at home. But few ask themselves the question: is teeth whitening harmful? Let’s figure it out.
Teeth whitening: pros and cons
Nowadays, a snow-white and radiant smile is considered not only a sign of health, but also an indicator of self-sufficiency. Any dental clinic will offer those who wish such services, by the way, which are the most in demand today.
To carry out the procedure for brightening tooth enamel does not require any incomprehensible knowledge or complex tools and devices. Therefore, you can deal with this on your own and at home.
You can, of course, do everything yourself, but it is still advisable to visit the doctor’s office. The dentist will determine what the structure of the tooth enamel is and which products are best to use. If there are diseases of the oral cavity, then the whitening procedure cannot be carried out.
Also, you cannot do this to people who have dentures, braces, pregnant women and children.
The fact is that the real color is formed under the influence of a substance called dentin. This is the bone tissue that lies underneath the tooth enamel. The coloration of this bone tissue is individual and depends on genetics.
As for the fact that white teeth are an indicator of health, dentists refute this statement. A yellowish color of the teeth indicates the presence of calcium. And at the beginning of the XNUMXth century, they generally specially covered the teeth with a kind of golden composition, so that against their background the face looked pale.
Teeth whitening products
You can brighten your teeth with toothpastes. This is the most traditional, simple and affordable way. But it does not give the effect of absolute whiteness. Moreover, it is also unsafe.
There are also folk methods. Mild: olive or tea tree oil, strawberry, apple, lemon. But baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, coal, vinegar, ash are more aggressive substances.
All these substances contain acids that wash out the dye from the tooth enamel. A large amount of acids negatively affects the enamel, so you should not abuse them.
Remember that baking soda, charcoal and hydrogen peroxide are corrosive to tooth enamel.
There are other remedies as well. For example, pharmacy: pencils, mouth guards, strips. They are used with a special gel containing hydrogen peroxide. The most convenient are pencils. The course of the procedure lasts 1-2 weeks. But this method is ineffective.
It is rather an auxiliary tool, but not the main one. If you use strips, the result will be noticeable on the 3rd day of application. But first of all, a prerequisite for their use is a healthy oral cavity. It may also be such that the whiteness is unevenly distributed.
After the whitening and dental treatment procedure, you can easily insert a soft silicone denture, if necessary. Such prostheses are installed according to the indications of the attending dentist and is an optional procedure.
In any case, the effect lasts up to six months. Then you will need to repeat the procedure. Using a mouth guard as a home remedy should be done with the help of a dentist. But there are also disadvantages here. The fragility of the tooth enamel may increase, the gums become irritated, the sensitivity of the teeth increases, and the method itself is relatively expensive.
Therefore, before resorting to such a procedure on your own, it makes sense to think carefully and carry it out in a medical facility. Although this does not guarantee the occurrence of side effects.
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