Is SARS-CoV-2 antibodies worth testing? [WE EXPLAIN]
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Many people are interested in testing for the presence of antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. However, according to specialists, this is a study that still makes no sense. – I suppose 99 percent. those interested in testing for the presence of antibodies have been convinced by various advertisements of a network of private diagnostic laboratories. These people are tempted to stick beautiful words, spectacular, supposed effects and do these tests on their own, without any medical indications – says Dr. Tomasz Dzieiątkowski, microbiologist and virologist.

  1. The fact that there are people willing to do tests for the presence of antibodies does not mean that they have any sense, says Dr. Tomasz Dzieiątkowski
  2. No laboratory standards have been set so far in the field of determining the level of antibodies, explains the virologist
  3. Such a study is justified in exceptional cases. They apply to people with impaired immunity – adds Dzieciatkowski
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Coronavirus in the world – already 422 million infected

After two years of the pandemic, the world is still convinced that the coronavirus is a deadly disease: so far it has already claimed a total of almost 6 million deaths. Tests conducted around the world until February 15 confirmed 413 million 484 thousand. SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infections. Many laboratories report loudly that one way to stop the spread of the virus may be through tests that detect antibodies to SARS-CoV-2.

They argue that such a serological test will indicate whether an infection has occurred and will detect the so-called silent vectors asymptomatic with COVID-19. Is it really so? We are discussing this with the virologist.

Is it worth testing?

Edyta Brzozowska, Medonet: Is it really worth doing a test for the presence of coronavirus antibodies?

Dr hab. of medical sciences Tomasz Dzieiątkowski, microbiologist, virologist, assistant professor at the Chair and Department of Medical Microbiology at the Medical University of Warsaw: My answer is short and very firm: it’s not worth it.


Because so far no – national or global – health organization recommends the determination of the level of antibodies. Both before and after vaccination. There is simply no known correlation between the level of antibodies and the level of protection, i.e. protection against coronavirus infection.

However, there is no shortage of people willing to perform such tests.

The fact that there are people willing to do research does not mean that it makes any sense. I suppose 99 percent. those interested in testing for the presence of antibodies have been convinced by various advertisements of a network of private diagnostic laboratories. These people are tempted to stick to beautiful words, spectacular supposed effects, and do these tests on their own, without any medical indications. They will mark the level of antibodies, patients will get a result. Except no one will tell them what this result means.

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Maybe these people are convinced that a sufficiently high level of antibodies protects against contracting the coronavirus?

Wrong. If they called such a commercial laboratory and asked in the context of which recommendations and guidelines such tests are worth doing and what are the relationships between the level of antibodies and the disease – no one will give them a credible answer, even though theoretically it is the laboratory’s responsibility. And when you don’t know what’s going on in detail, it’s mostly about money.

Antibody testing doesn’t tell you anything

How, then, to understand the information on the websites of various laboratories, which speaks of the same thing in different words? that the coronavirus antibody test can be positive or negative?

The World Health Organization (WHO) clearly states that antibody serology should not be used to determine the health status of a patient in COVID-19, i.e. whether or not he has had an infection. Why? Because testing the immune response can unfortunately be confusing.

What does it mean?

There may be a patient with positive antibody levels because he has just been infected with SARS-CoV-2. On the other hand, in another person, even though he has also contracted the coronavirus, the test will show a negative level of antigens. So a laboratory test for antibodies does not prove anything in this case.

  1. Find out more: Can you have long covid after Omikron? Here are the disturbing symptoms

Even if we analyze the results of such a study according to the guidelines available on the web?

Self-interpretation of laboratory test results is another issue that may do more harm than good. With all due respect to patients, they are not medically predisposed to specialist activities. It is common nowadays to perform self-tests without medical recommendations, with the motivation “because I am curious”. And this applies not only to the coronavirus, but to many other diagnostic test results. And yet, when performing blood counts in the laboratory, liver tests, we should not interpret the results of these tests on our own. Especially with the help of «Uncle Google», because you can find everything on the web. We leave the matter of the analysis of the results to the doctors or laboratory diagnosticians. Coming back to testing for antibodies: even if we show the determination of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 to our specialist, the doctor will not say anything specific or binding.


The point is simple: no laboratory standards have yet been set in this area. Although, of course, it can be hypothetically assumed that if someone has a positive result, they most likely have already had contact with SARS-CoV-2. Conversely, when the result is negative, there is no such certainty.

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To sum up: as a microbiologist and virologist, do you advise patients not to perform tests?

They are not needed. Of course, with a few exceptions. They relate to specific cases when a patient needs to undergo sophisticated tests by specialized, certified laboratories. This applies in particular to people with impaired immunity, for whom it is necessary to determine the level of post-vaccination immunity, inter alia, in order to give them another booster dose, for example a fourth booster. Or for pre-exposure prophylaxis, using monoclonal antibodies. In other cases, persuasion to perform tests to determine the level of antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 is completely unnecessary.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we talked about supplementation. What is their phenomenon? How to use it to help yourself and not to harm? What is worth paying attention to in supplementation with thyroid problems? Why you need to be careful with biotin? You will hear about this and many other things below.

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