Is rheumatism hereditary?

What is the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis if my closest relatives have had the condition?

My mother and grandmother had joint diseases. Does this mean that I have an increased risk of rheumatism? What are the symptoms of this disease? ~ Kaśka

All systemic diseases are genetic. If your immediate family has a history of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), you are more likely to develop RA than in the healthy population. Of course, this does not mean that everyone with a genetic predisposition will develop RA. However, if a person with a genetic predisposition develops, for example, a viral or bacterial infection, such a situation may lead to a relapse of rheumatoid arthritis. In this case, there is symmetrical interphalangeal arthritis of the proximal and wrist joints of both hands with morning stiffness. As a result, the patient has problems with performing basic activities of daily living. A low-grade fever may also appear, and in additional tests there is an elevation of acute phase proteins (CRP, ESR).

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