In this article you will learn, among others:
- How Much Protein Should You Eat On Your Diet?
- Is protein supplement healthy?
- How much calories does protein supplement have?
- Does protein supplement help you lose weight?
- Can you replace a meal with a protein supplement?
How Much Protein Should You Eat On Your Diet?
Natural high-protein products (e.g. meat, dairy) give long-lasting feeling of fullness, and in addition, the body uses more energy for digesting protein than other nutrients. So it seems like protein can actually promote weight loss. However, the applicable norms and rules of nutrition say that a properly planned food ration should provide only 12-14% of energy derived from protein. This gives an adult 0,8-1 g proteins / kg body weight daily. In people who train intensively, the demand is rises to about 1,2-1,7 g. These values should not be exceeded.
Is protein supplement healthy?
+ By introducing the conditioner protein instead of a meal, we will automatically disturb the balance of ingredients nutritional. At the expense of protein, the percentage of fat and will decrease carbohydrates in the diet. So we will feel full longer, which will affect limiting the calories consumed. It can actually help you lose weight.
— Excessive supply of protein (and when using supplements protein is very easy to overdose) is harmful to the body, runs, among others to its acidification, it disrupts the functions of the kidneys and liver, it is a burden joints. If the surplus is not large and does not occur frequently, the body will handle it with its excretion: the liver will convert the amino groups into ammonia and then into urea which will be excreted in urine. If this will occur frequently, the liver and kidneys will be constantly exposed for increased work.
— When the amount of protein in the diet is overpowered These are unused amino acids by the body they will be converted into free fatty acids and deposited in the tissue fatty tissue. So instead of losing weight, we will gain extra pounds.
— It is also worth bearing in mind that the body is completely different Will “treat” a protein supplement than a natural product that is a source of protein (eg. meat). The protein supplement is composed of isolated proteins or of single amino acids. The body does not need to digest such a product anymore or there is less digestion. That is, after ingestion protein supplement, we will not get a greater energy expenditure at all digestion. It seems more advantageous eating a natural protein product such as meat.
How much calories does protein supplement have?
1 scoop of protein supplement (35 g) of a popular company contains 27 g of protein and 138 kcal. To get the same amount of protein, eat:
Product | calorific |
120 g of beef | 128,4 |
130 g of skinless chicken breast meat | 128,7 |
140 g of salmon | 281,4 |
160 g cod fillet | 112 |
150 g of lean cottage cheese | 129 |
630 g of natural yoghurt | 378 |
Does protein supplement help you lose weight?
Choosing natural products and wanting to provide the same the amount of protein as in the case of a conditioner is in most cases (except yogurt and salmon), at the same time we will provide fewer calories. Additionally, the body will have to do more work to digest food than nutrients. The benefits of eating products that are a natural source of protein are therefore greater than that application of the conditioner.
+ However, it seems reasonable to use a protein supplement in the case of people who are slimming, additionally regularly and intensively they train. During prolonged exercise, the body grows protein breakdown, i.e. the so-called catabolism. Insufficient supply of protein in the diet will not allow the full recovery of these losses – weight loss is not the point after all, it is about burning muscle mass, but about burning fat tissue. Them the smaller the percentage of muscle mass in the body, the slower it is metabolic rate, and related to it, the more difficult the process takes place weight loss. In such a situation, a protein supplement will help prevent further protein catabolism and at a fairly rapid pace, because the body will not took time to digest. The protein coming from the supplement will remain a lot absorbed quickly. Indirectly contribute this is to increase the effectiveness of the weight loss diet.
Can you replace a meal with a protein supplement?
Of the above Considerations show that the use of protein supplements to reduce weight body only makes sense if:
- conditioner it supplements a balanced diet and is included in this balance
- is working comprehensively, i.e. in addition to diet, regular physical effort is included.
So if you do not exercise and you do not eat rationally, do not reach for a protein supplement – in this situation, it will definitely not help you she will burn unnecessary body fat.
Do you use protein supplements? What is your opinion about protein supplements?
- Mirosław Jarosz, Barbara Bułhak-Jachymczyk “Human Nutrition Standards”.
- Bayham BE, Greenway FL, Jahnson WD, Dhurandhar NV „A randomized trial to manipulate the quality instead of quantity of dietary proteins to influence the markers of satiety”.
- Wyka J, Malczyk E, Misiarz M, Zołoteńka-Synowiec M, Całniuk B, Baczyńska S “Assessment of food intakes for women adopting the high protein Dukan diet”.