Is pregnancy without symptoms possible?

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Can I be pregnant without having any symptoms? Can you be pregnant despite your period? Could the result of a pregnancy test be false? When do the first symptoms of pregnancy appear? The question is answered by the drug. Anna Mitschke.

Can pregnancy be asymptomatic?

Hello, I am 22 years old now. My periods have always been irregular, but I didn’t pay much attention to it and I got used to it a bit. I have sex with my partner and we protect ourselves with a condom. I know that it does not provide XNUMX% certainty in protection against pregnancy, but at the moment it was enough for us. Recently I realized that I hadn’t had my periods for a while, but I wasn’t stressed too much, because that’s normal for me. I took a pregnancy test and it came out positive, which stressed me terribly, and I made an appointment with the gynecologist.

Two days later, however, I started menstruating normally. And here my question arises – whether pregnancy without symptoms is possible? I do not have any pregnancy symptoms. My period is normal, nothing hurts, everything is as it should, and if I am really pregnant I would have to be in the second or third month, because my partner is currently abroad. Is such a pregnancy without symptoms possible? Did this test fail? How is it even possible that there have been no pregnancy symptoms for so long?

The doctor explains whether a pregnancy without symptoms is possible

Complete no pregnancy symptoms is not possible. Another thing is that women may start noticing them relatively late. The symptoms of pregnancy are largely individual and vary in intensity. Probable symptoms of pregnancy include amenorrhea, enlarged abdominal circumference, breast enlargement, increase in basal body temperature, stretch marks due to pregnancy, hyperpigmentation of the midline of the body and nipples, changes in the genital organs, and positive pregnancy tests.

Women usually do a pregnancy test because their periods are late. Delay in menstruation it can have many causes and may not be a sign of pregnancy. Ovulation disorders, hormonal disorders, stress, chronic diseases, use oral contraceptives, weight loss, and excessive exercise are some of the potential causes of delayed menstruation. Pregnancy tests are based on examining the concentration of chorionic gonadotrophin in the urine or in the blood. The concentration of this hormone increases during pregnancy. Modern pregnancy tests (plate strips) detect pregnancy just 7 days after fertilization.

Depending on the type, pregnancy tests are relatively highly effective. However, this is not the only condition where the level of this hormone in the urine increases. This happens, inter alia, in the course of some cancers, e.g. ovarian tumors, or in ectopic pregnancy, i.e. pregnancy that is not properly implanted in the uterus. A positive test result should always be consulted with a doctor, and until then, refrain from drinking alcohol, smoking or taking medications harmful to the fetus.

Please visit your gynecologist and obstetrician. The doctor will verify the presence of pregnancy by objective methods and exclude any possible pathology. The objective symptoms of pregnancy include hearing the fetal heart rate, sensing parts of the fetus and fetal movements, and identifying the presence of the fetus on ultrasound.

— Lek. Anna Mitchke

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