Is pneumonia in a newborn dangerous?

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Should you be concerned about neonatal pneumonia? Will the disease in the neonatal period have consequences in the future? Could the disease affect my child’s health in the future? The question is answered by the drug. Katarzyna Darecka.

Can pneumonia in a newborn be serious?

Hello, my daughter gave birth to her first child (a boy) less than two weeks ago. Everything went well, they returned home on time, but suddenly the grandson’s health deteriorated, and the hospital immediately found it to be pneumonia. I’m scared because I have no idea if pneumonia in a newborn is it dangerous? Actually, I know that in such a small child all diseases are dangerous and dangerous, but in this case it is about the lungs. Can pneumonia in a newborn baby have any consequences in the future, somehow affect his future health?

For now, the doctors are optimistic and say it should all be over soon, but that doesn’t comfort me at all, and I’m still terrified of such a baby with such a dangerous disease. How long can it last treatment of pneumonia in a newborn? Is it even safe that my granddaughter is in a hospital where additional bacteria are known to be? I am asking you for help and information on the treatment of pneumonia in newborns, and in particular on whether pneumonia in newborns is dangerous to life and health?

A doctor explains the dangers of pneumonia in a newborn baby

Pneumonia in the newborn is the most serious medical condition and should not be taken lightly. It is confirmed on the basis of physical examination and symptoms reported by parents, as well as chest X-ray and microbiological cultures, the history of mother’s pregnancy and childbirth is also important. The occurrence of symptoms before 48 hours of life is associated with a very high mortality, as much as 29%, usually these are premature babies, with low birth weight and with other diseases. Pneumonia, which started later than 48 hours of life, has a much better prognosis, although it is still quite high at 2%.

The child should then stay in the hospital in case it is necessary to connect to respiratory support devices, doctors, nurses and other medical personnel must follow the rules of hand hygiene. It is also not recommended to stay in the hospital longer than absolutely necessary due to secondary infections with hospital pathogens. It is the doctor who assesses the profit / loss ratio of hospitalization and will not keep the child in the Ward longer than necessary. Duration of pneumonia varies according to how severe it is, if not severe it usually takes 2-3 weeks, if it is severe it may even take 6-8 weeks or more, and the exact treatment and duration of medication depends on the cause of the pneumonia.

Due to that lungs in a newborn still developing after birth, pneumonia in the first month of life can have effects in adulthood, increasing the risk of chronic lung disease. Such diseases include asthma, other obstructive pulmonary deficits, and bronchiectasis. Pneumonia which requires hospitalization is particularly at risk. However, there are no certain premises, there are not enough retrospective studies in which this phenomenon is accurately described. It is important after pneumonia that you nourish your baby well, protect him from cigarette smoke and protect him from preventable infections later in life.

– Lek. Katarzyna Darecka

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