Is palm oil really poison?

Palm oil has some benefitssays the French specialist. Making poison out of it is unjustified. Primarily, it is used in industry because it is boil-resistant and robust at ambient temperature. It also replaced vegetable fats, which promote the formation of bad cholesterol, to the detriment of good cholesterol. Palm oil also contains the genus vitamin E, carotenoids, even if a large proportion of these molecules are lost in the refining process. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as miracle fat. Palm oil contains approx 50% saturated fatty acids. And these molecules contribute to the formation of HDL and LDL cholesterol. We know that their excessive consumption is harmful to health. Sunflower oil or rapeseed oil contain much less saturated fatty acids – about 10%. But cocoa butter contains the same amount, and traditional butter – as much as 65%.

Jean-Michel Lecerf dodaje: Palm oil represents approx. 1,5 g – 2 g of the 30 g of saturated fat that we eat each day, i.e. approx. 5%. About 98% of this consumption is industrial products such as crisps, cookies, etc. And all these foods must be eaten in moderation, as part of a balanced diet, reminds a French specialist.


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