
Opinions are divided, and not in favor of those who answer this question in the affirmative. Everyone considers strong feelings to be the main condition for obtaining pleasure. As the saying goes: you either have goosebumps or you don’t.

Users of the portal «Yandex Q» spoke on the topic of whether they consider oral sex disgusting. What arguments were given by opponents and supporters of this type of intimacy?

Maxim Pasmurnov, PR and corporate communications

Apparently, conservative attitudes, coupled with disgust, are affecting: “He goes to the toilet with this!” and “How will she then kiss my children with these lips?” I believe that this is due to the long-established cult of contempt for one’s own body, which has not disappeared anywhere.

Masha Remizova, history student

Any sex can be disgusting if a person is initially unpleasant. If you’re wondering how to make a blowjob not nasty, try the following: ask your partner to take a shower, get rid of excess hair in the groin area, engage in foreplay. And then just imagine that the penis is the same part of the body as a hand or a finger. What’s wrong with licking your finger?

Blowjob is more pleasant to do to the person for whom you have strong feelings

Well, the main rule: blowjob is more pleasant to do to the person for whom you have strong feelings. You will definitely want to give pleasure, which means that if all the unpleasant sensations do not disappear, then they will definitely become dull.

Lisa Flight

It’s only disgusting for those who didn’t do it, or for those who had a bad experience — for example, with a partner who neglected the rules of hygiene. I well remember situations when my girlfriends twisted their faces and gave me a stamped answer: “Fu, how is it possible, it’s a member!” Quite a bit of time passed, and these same lovely virgins spoke about the exact opposite — now they themselves rejoice and delight others.

Kristina Logvina, sex editor

A blowjob is disgusting only when you are dealing with a member of an unloved man, a partner does not follow the rules of hygiene or forces you to perform oral sex. Of course, if you yourself have not invented the rules for yourself «do not do this ever.» But this is more of a psychological barrier and rejection of one’s own sexuality. Otherwise, oral sex, like any other sex, is fun and perky. The main desire. And love for sex, for a man and for yourself.

Anti Quiet, artist

Oral sex can be perceived by a woman as a humiliation, which leads to psychosomatic manifestations: a gag reflex, discomfort. Yes, and some men like a blowjob just because they think that this is how they humiliate their partner. But here we are already talking about the psychological problems of both partners.

In fact, in this type of sex there should be nothing opposite for a woman, because all the unpleasant sensations go away if you completely relax. And even though a woman is on her knees, the most valuable thing is in her hands, and here the woman’s choice is what she decides to think about it: is she being humiliated or does she still have the most power over her partner.

Gri Sha, journalism student

It’s just that our parents imposed a bunch of restrictions on us: “You can’t do this,” “You’re a decent girl!” Another option is that the girls themselves have read articles about unpleasant sensations for them during blowjobs.

The main thing in bed is love and intuition. Do what you see fit

In addition, a partner may not reach the level of trust in a man to engage in oral sex with him. Well, girls are also afraid to bite off a penis — you need to get rid of this fear. The main thing in bed is love and intuition. Do what you think is right.

Sergey Cheremnykh

The question is debatable, many women excite blowjob much more than classic sex. As for men, I can not judge all. When my partner insists, I don’t mind.

Nika Voronina

Let’s get you on your knees and start pointing aimlessly at your mouth with four folded fingers. At the same time, you feel an unpleasant smell from grease and sweat, which, even if you washed yourself, is released anyway. And hair in the mouth. And the feeling of being used — you, in fact, are being masturbated like a piece of meat.

And the fact that the mouth is not intended for this occupation is undeniable. Boys, do an experiment and give a blowjob to a friend, since this is not disgusting, but a manifestation of love and care. You love a friend.

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