Is low diastolic blood pressure dangerous?

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Are there any risks of low diastolic blood pressure? Is low diastolic blood pressure related to diabetes or other serious disease? What symptoms are associated with low diastolic blood pressure? The question is answered by the drug. Anna Mitschke.

Are there any risks of low diastolic blood pressure?

Hello. I am 28 years old and have just recently been diagnosed with hypotension. Unfortunately, I also have diabetes, take medications, and on a specialized diet. In addition, I am under the constant care of a diabetologist, I systematically perform all necessary check-ups, so I wonder where it came from low diastolic blood pressure? Is it possible that low diastolic blood pressure is not related to diabetes but to another disease that I may have?

Recently, I feel weak, I get tired very quickly, even if I do not undertake greater physical exertion, I have noticed that my concentration is significantly weakened, I have accelerated pulse, dizziness also happens, my hands and feet are cold despite the fact that it’s summer so theoretically I can’t freeze. Could all of these symptoms be due to low diastolic blood pressure? Is low diastolic blood pressure dangerous?

When low diastolic blood pressure is treated, I suppose the only option is medication. The attending physician recommended an appointment with a cardiologist. I am asking for a hint and answers to my questions.

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The doctor explains the dangers of low diastolic blood pressure

When measuring arterial pressure, we get two values. The first is systolic blood pressure, the second is diastolic blood pressure. Normal blood pressure values they are in the range of 120–129 / 80–84mmHg. Hypotension is the persistence of low blood pressure values ​​- systolic blood pressure below 100mmHg and / or diastolic pressure below 60mmHg. It is important whether the low blood pressure occurs suddenly or is chronic. Some people have low blood pressures by nature. Patients do not feel any discomfort or discomfort because of this. The low pressure values ​​remain constant. They often run in families. However, in some patients such low pressure values ​​cause the appearance of a set of symptoms such as dizziness, scotoma in front of the eyes, general weakness, disturbance of concentration and attention. The presence of low blood pressure can be associated with many diseases.

Regular pressure control is important in the prevention of many diseases. Be sure to have a working blood pressure monitor. Get a Tensio wrist blood pressure monitor today.

Low blood pressure can be observed in life-threatening conditions such as heart attack, tamponade or pulmonary embolism. Hypotension may be present in diabetes mellitus, endocrine diseases such as hypothyroidism, adrenal insufficiency, and pituitary insufficiency. Additionally, low blood pressure may appear during pregnancy or with dehydration.

Another thing is orthostatic hypotension. It is recognized by performing a 3-minute upright test. With a drop in blood pressure (systolic ≥20mmHg, diastolic ≥10mmHg, or systolic less than 90mmHg) with characteristic symptoms. More often, orthostatic hypotension is observed in the elderly. The main causes are medications and drinking alcohol. The treatment then consists in increasing the intake of fluids and table salt. Pharmacological methods are also used.

The symptoms presented by you require diagnostics. Therefore, I propose to follow the recommendations of the attending physician and visit a cardiologist. You can now schedule an online cardiology consultation quickly via the portal.

— Lek. Anna Mitchke

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