In the autumn and winter, when the season of colds and a decrease in well-being begins, it is worth considering what can replace the lack of sun, which has a beneficial effect on health and naturally support immunity. What is the secret of health, well-being and beautiful skin all year round? Cod liver oil is a great support in the fight for good health.
Fish oil is a source of vitamins A, E and D and beneficial omega 3 acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties. Scientists have found that a common feature for healthy and long-lived people from around the world is eating large amounts of fish and seafood, which are rich in omega 3. Unfortunately, the average diet of a modern person is rich in antagonistic, pro-inflammatory omega 6 acids, hence the frequent occurrence of inflammation in humans. In addition, we do not eat fish in sufficient quantities, and some do not eat it at all. These deficiencies can be compensated by swallowing cod liver oil.
Cod liver oil – for whom in particular?
Cod liver oil should be used in particular by the elderly, adolescents, people suffering from dementia and problems with concentration and memory, women during menopause, people who smoke cigarettes and consume alcohol, people who do not eat fish, people with a weakened immune system, as well as pregnant women.
How does eating cod liver oil affect the body?
- normalization of the work of the circulatory system, reduction of hypertension and heart diseases,
- preventing certain cancers
- supporting the development of children in pregnant women,
- better immunity, prevention of colds,
- supporting the treatment of asthma and allergies,
- better coping with stress and feeling better,
- normalization of metabolism – supporting weight loss,
- improved concentration, better memory,
- healthy bones, reducing the risk of osteoporosis,
- protective effect on the skin and mucous membranes,
- better condition of hair and nails,
- anti-aging effect, thanks to the content of antioxidants.
The benefits of eating cod liver oil can be listed for a long time. It seems that its only downside is the unpleasant smell and taste, but today there are capsules available on the market that eliminate this problem.
What to pay attention to when buying cod liver oil?
It is worth reading on the package how much DHA and EPA, as well as omega 3 and vitamins are in cod liver oil, because these values may vary. Pregnant women should be particularly careful in using cod liver oil due to the presence of vitamin A – so that its amount does not interfere with other supplements taken. It is worth remembering that cod liver oil should be stored like other oils, in a dark place with a reduced temperature to prevent oxidation.
Cod liver oil can be taken throughout the year, but it is especially worth reaching for it in the cold and autumn. The high content of vitamin D compensates for the lack of sun, and omega acids directly affect the support of healing processes and reduce the frequency of colds.