Should you have an animal in your house when you are expecting a baby? Controversial issue. Some even advise getting rid of pets when it becomes clear that a new addition to the family is coming. Cruel, of course, but when it comes to the health of the baby, any measure is good. However, not everyone thinks so. In India, the couple flatly refused to get rid of the dogs. On the contrary, we arranged a “pregnant” photo session with all the pets. And recently, one of the inhabitants of the social network Imgur shared her story about children and dogs.
It all started 10 years ago. The girl’s sister became pregnant. The author of the story advised her in no case to have a puppy when it became clear that a small child would soon appear in the house. But she did not obey. This is how the story of two best friends began.
From the very moment the baby was born, the black Labrador was next to her. Sometimes the puppy was dirty, of course. Pulling a baby’s cookies, for example, how could it be without it. But otherwise, the communication between the child and the dog was impeccable.
When the girl grew up a little, she and her dog developed a Sunday tradition: to watch cartoons together in the morning. The baby sat astride a Labrador. She didn’t mind. They were always together: driving in the car, playing, lying on the couch. We even went to school together!
“They are best friends. I take my words back, ”the girl who spoke out against the dog in the house repented.
The years passed. The girl grew, and the dog grew old. But even though the black dog suddenly grew a gray beard, they did not love her less. And how not to love a Labrador who is ready to dress up as a princess, if only her little friend was happy?
When both were 10 years old, the dog needed surgery to remove the tumor. Benign, fortunately. While the still very weak dog was recovering from anesthesia and lay down after the operation, the girl did not leave her. I even fell asleep next to the dog’s bed, right on the floor.
“If it’s not friendship, then I don’t know how it should look at all,” admitted the girl’s aunt.