Woman’s Day correspondent Elena Selina shares her personal experience.
Pregnancy is called the best time in the life of every woman. Although it is often accompanied by terrible toxicosis, edema, excess weight and other “delights”, this does not happen all 9 months, you must agree. When the tummy grows up and it can no longer be hidden by clothes, those around you dramatically change their attitude towards you: they smile broadly, treating you as the greatest jewel. And here it is impossible not to experience the thrill of what is happening to you. It is then that the thought appears in my head: “Stop, moment, you are wonderful.”
Our Lena in the pictures of Kate Vestis
And you also want to press pause, slow down this time, keep it for yourself forever. And I dreamed of beautiful photos that would not be divided into “expectations” and “reality”. Well, that is, it would not have worked: I imagine myself as such a fairy, and in the photo – all the folds and swellings. But everyone tried to dissuade me! Parents said that it was money down the drain. A friend advised me to just take as many selfies as possible, recording all the changes that take place in appearance. Another recommended asking her husband to take pictures in the park. They say, it will come out no worse, and it is better to spend a round sum for the services of a photographer and a stylist on a good stroller. I thought.
Of course, the question of money is often decisive. When I started looking through the profiles of different photographers specializing in pregnant photography, I was shocked to say the least: the cost of some works reached 60-80 thousand rubles! Others asked for 10-15 thousand. Where does this spread come from?
First, check immediately what is included in the price. Some write the price only for their work, that is, shooting and processing. And where you will be filming, in what – this is your concern, as a rule, requiring additional expenses. Those photographers who have higher prices take these questions upon themselves: they select a studio, offer their own dress rental, which greatly simplifies the task.
Second, decide what you want. A classic photo shoot with a teddy bear, ultrasound photos and booties? These are inexpensive. Sharing with your husband? More expensive and more difficult – at least you will have to pick up outfits for two.
I wanted beautiful pictures of myself. The fact is that all my life I was very strict with myself, I was always dissatisfied with something: either my thighs were thick, then my arms, then my cheeks. You had to get pregnant to finally love yourself! I never liked myself as much as I did during this waiting time. I wanted to capture myself from all angles without any complicated decorations and distracting paraphernalia. After a long search, I chose the photographer Kate Vestis, in whose pictures all women in position look like goddesses. In addition, she has her own rental of dresses and bodysuits for pregnant women, which, in my opinion, is very convenient: it saved me from having to painfully resolve the issue of outfits for a photo shoot. Plus Katya turned out to be mobile and not tied to one familiar studio. My imagination demanded pictures in the bathroom against the background of a huge window, and the photographer herself selected and offered me the location.
Already now I understand what mistakes I made, therefore, so that you do not regret the money spent in the future, I have formulated several tips based on personal experience.
Ask for a face-to-face meeting during which you can discuss your wishes. In the end, you are going to shell out not a small amount, and it will be a shame to find out already during the shooting that you speak different languages. At first I was scared that Katya turned out to be a young photographer, but then it turned out that she had a huge work experience – she started taking pictures already in the first year of the institute, she earned herself on professional equipment, she studied everything – I am impressed by such a sense of purpose in people. At the same time, she has her own view and opinion. She immediately indicated that I might not show her my archive of saved pictures: she does not copy the work of others, does not offer you classical ways, on the contrary, she is for experiments, for a flight of imagination. Her pregnant women are removed even with wild lions and foxes! On their own, of course.
2. Prepare to shoot
Especially if you have only a wedding photo session from your posing experience. The very works of different photographers, pictures of friends, mark those poses and angles that you like. And practice in front of the mirror. Of course, a professional photographer will tell you how to get up, and in three counts will determine the so-called working side, but you will feel much more comfortable in this position if you know that you look the way you want from the side.
I confess that I was a little upset that in all the photographs I have the same expression on my face. During the shooting, I, apparently, entered the image of a goddess, forgetting that I was not a supermodel, that I absolutely forgot to smile. A couple of cozy shots, in which I would be just a pregnant happy Lena, such as I am at home every day, was not enough for me.
3. Don’t worry about being overweight
On the contrary, behave as if you have the most ideal forms. The photographer will catch a good angle, then further process the frame, and you will get a picture of your dreams. And if you intensely think about where you have something hanging, you will get a perfect shot with a frozen face and an unnatural pose. All your folds will be cleaned by Photoshop, but, alas, no newfangled program can change your inner state.
4. Take no more than one professional photograph per pregnancy.
Well, a maximum of two. I know from myself: I want classic gentle images, and with a bear, and a vamp, and in nature, and “nude” pictures. It is clear that you cannot fit everything in one shot, so you start saving on the photographer, so that you have enough for five different shots. Believe me, it is better to do one expensive photo shoot, focusing on the topic that is closer inside. From the experience of all my absolutely acquaintances, you choose a maximum of five favorite frames, and print one. And let it be luxurious!
In general, girls, in my opinion, need to do a photo session during pregnancy. Nine months fly by so quickly, and then you yearn for your tummy and carefree times! And who knows how life will turn out, will you go for the second / third / fourth. If you want to now, if such thoughts arise, you need to pamper yourself. This is much better than a piece of cake.