Is it true that the mRNA vaccine is clean? Here are 21 important questions about it
Start COVID-19 vaccine Frequently asked questions Where can I get vaccinated? Check if you can get vaccinated

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– Of a group of different vaccines, a particular mRNA vaccine is the purest. The RNA vaccine provides the cell with instructions on how to make the virus’s S protein in order to force the human immune system to produce antibodies against SARS-CoV-2, explains Dr. farm. Leszek Borkowski. It also answers the most important and frequently asked questions about the mRNA vaccine.

  1. The arrival of the SARS-CoV-2 virus vaccine has raised concerns in many quarters. Many people are concerned about the rush in which the drug was created, wondering if it has been well-researched
  2. There were also rumors that the mRNA vaccine may interfere with human genes, and that aborted fetuses were used in its creation. What’s the truth?
  3. Leszek Borkowski – the author of the following text – is a doctor of pharmaceutical sciences, pharmacist, former president of the Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products and a member of the National Development Council at the President of the Republic of Poland
  4. You can find more up-to-date information on the TvoiLokony home page

Why are we afraid of pathogenic viruses?

Because they cause lethal infectious diseases, cancer and other diseases such as multifocal leukoencephalopathy, hepatitis.

Why are we fighting against time?

We need to get herd immunity quickly by vaccinating as many people as possible. Thus, we are slowing down the pandemic and giving time to find an effective drug against SARS-CoV-2. We should vaccinate ourselves in order to: become immunized or bear a possible infection less easily. Immunity after vaccination is obtaining antibodies without the risk of death. Post-infection immunity is the risk of obtaining antibodies after the disease has destroyed the body.

We vaccinate to start a normal life before the pandemic, to start working and earning money.

What are vaccines for?

In this way, we prepare the military in the event of a war with the virus. We have our own army to fight, waiting in full readiness in the garrisons, i.e. antibodies on B lymphocytes. If we do not get vaccinated, such an army will be created, but about 14 days after being infected with SARS-CoV-2 and during this time it may not be possible to ruin our body. remedies. During COVID-19 disease, the SARS-CoV-2 virus reprograms our cells to harm the host organism and serve only as a factory for new virions that destroy patients. Infection with a virus is contact with bad information that harms a person.

  1. Population immunity in seven years? Yes, if we vaccinate at this rate

Has the SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine been studied long enough?

Yes, she is like the latest smartphone with human-made elements for at least 20 years. Everyone who is vaccinated becomes a beneficiary of the development of science, just like everyone who flies by plane, surfs the Internet, and watches TV.

What will happen after the vaccine in 30 years?

What about my family in 30 years?

Is it true that the mRNA vaccine is clean?

Of a group of different vaccines, a particular mRNA vaccine is the purest. Because: it has the best-known composition of RNA-forming nucleotides, there are no protein carriers, no adjuvants or vaccine potency enhancers. The RNA vaccine provides the cell with instructions on how to make the S protein of the virus in order to force the human immune system to produce antibodies against SARS-CoV-2. The mRNA delivered to the cells is used to produce the S protein of the virus-antigen, after which it is degraded.

  1. How is vectored vaccine different from mRNA? Which type reached Poland?

Can the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine be taken by patients with comorbidities?

Some comorbidities reduce the immunity of patients. Then, patients cannot take attenuated (virulent) vaccines because there is a risk of conversion of the strain into an infectious one and the risk of pathogenic transmission of the strain after viral ingestion and to third parties. The SARS-CoV-2 vaccine is not an attenuated vaccine and therefore is not subject to any limitation.

Can the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine be taken with other drugs?

In Poland, we have about 16 thousand registered. drugs, counting each dose and form separately. It would take more than half a century and cost a lot of money to conduct clinical trials to correlate the vaccine with any drug.

The principle of analysis of the mechanisms of action and their mutual interference with each other is applied. A comparative safety analysis does not indicate such risks when combining the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine with different drugs. Some medications reduce the patient’s immune resistance either intentionally or accidentally, as side effects occurring. The problem of risk only arises when drugs are combined with attenuated vaccines. In this case, patients cannot receive attenuated / virulent / vaccines, because they are at risk of converting the strain into infectious and at risk of pathogenic transmission of the strain after viral ingestion and to third parties.

It has been observed that when hepatitis B (dormant) and C (active) viruses are located in the patient’s body, patients treated with direct-acting hepatitis C antivirals are at risk of reactivation of hepatitis B. Reactivation hepatitis B infection means a recurrence of an active infection in patients whose hepatitis B infection was inactive (dormant). Today it has not been found that the formation of antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 activates other sleeping viruses in the human body.

What about the use of human material?

For a long time we have been using material of human origin (blood, umbilical cord blood, bone marrow, parenchymal organs, eye corneas, bone tissue, skin, placenta, human embryonic kidney cells, urine). This is because we are unable to produce it ourselves. These fragments of human material are very important elements of the healing process in various disease states.

Is human urine a drug?

No, but it is the raw material for the production of drugs, e.g. Urokinase – a thrombolytic drug that converts plasminogen into plasmin, another example is Chorionic Gonadotropin – a drug with luteotropic hormone activity.

Similarly, the raw material is umbilical cord blood for the production of stem cells, human blood for the production of antibodies of convalescents, etc. The list is long and none of the patients or their families are bothered by this. Only certain religious groups refuse treatment, such as blood transfusions.

Are aborted human fetuses used in the production of the vaccine?

Astra Vaccine Zeneka / University of Oxford uses very distant clones of human embryonic liver cells obtained from dead embryos from spontaneous abortions 50 years ago. These were not aborted fetuses.

The position of the Team of Experts on Bioethics of the Polish Episcopal Conferences and the Holy See stated four times: “every person, including Catholics, can use vaccines, even those developed with the use of embryonic stem cell lines, if no other vaccines are available that do not raise such objections.”

  1. The US Episcopate has “moral concerns” about the COVID-19 vaccine. What?

What has changed in the viral RNA contained in the vaccine, and why?

RNA from SARS-Cov-2 is unstable and would be destroyed after administration. It is packed in a protective material, i.e. nanolipid sheaths. They protect the nucleic acid against rapid degradation and increase the efficiency of its delivery to cells. The nucleotide in the “vaccine” mRNA uridine has been replaced with pseudouridine. This is not affected by the instructions it carries, but it allows it to survive an attack by the host’s cells, that is, human cells.

The introduction of two proline molecules in the S protein binding domain leads to a preference for the so-called conformation. open door. Protein S is the so-called protein. homotrimeric and has two functional subunits – S1 and S2. To come into contact with a host cell receptor, the receptor binding domain on the S1 subunit undergoes a conformational movement, similar to that of a door hinge, that momentarily hides or shows receptor binding determinants.

Can the mRNA from the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine be incorporated into our DNA?

No, this is bullshit spreading out in public.

  1. The coronavirus interferes with human DNA. “He is hiding in an unexpected place”

Could telomerase and transposons transcribe vaccine RNA into human cell DNA?

No, telomerase and transposons do nothing to the mRNA fragment in the COVID vaccine. In connection with human infection by viruses, when theoretically there is a threat caused by the activity of transposons, the genetic code of the virus is not transferred to humans because we do not become a hybrid. People who deny this should already be a mix of mosquitoes, flies, bees, hornets, dogs, cats, snakes and other biting and scratching individuals introducing their genetic material when harming us. Telomerase is a very important enzyme whose function is to rebuild telomeres, or the protective DNA caps at the ends of the chromosomes.

The TERT subunit of telomerase has the function of reverse transcriptase, but it transcribes only one specific RNA 451 nucleotides long into DNA, which must consist of the palindromic sequences of CCCAAU (C – cytosine, A – adenosine, U – uracil). In addition, there is a need for a pseudo-node motif with a CR4 / CR5 domain and a conserved CR7 domain at the 3 ‘end. Accordingly, TERT works in a strictly defined manner and cannot transcribe any RNA molecule into DNA. In summary, there is no possibility that telomerase would be able to transcribe a vaccine mRNA molecule into DNA. Transposons are natural mobile elements in our cells that have the ability to move from place to place within the genome by transcription and reverse transcription. In their case, the process is very selective. The ability to carry out a reverse transcription reaction depends on the presence of a specific RNA structure at the end of the molecule. This is necessary because otherwise this enzyme would be able to rewrite all the RNA in the cell, rendering it useless.

Is it true that women will be sterile after being vaccinated against SRAS-CoV-2?

The alleged post-vaccination fertility problems are bullshit. Syncitin, which plays a role in the proper functioning of the placenta, cannot be replaced by the S protein of the virus obtained after administration of the vaccine. If this were true, then the immune system would constantly have to confuse proteins with each other and, consequently, mankind would cease to exist. To postulate that a vaccine will lead to fertility problems is just plain scaring people. The incidence of COVID-19 does not reduce the reproductive capacity of people (children conceived during a pandemic).

Should the mRNA vaccine only be administered intramuscularly into the arm of the person to be vaccinated?

This is what the manufacturer recommends. For other vaccines, the injection site (as well as the injection depth) has been found to be associated with a variable response to vaccination. For administration to the buttock, use of a longer needle (2 inches) than for administration to the shoulder (1 inch) resulted in a better response to vaccination than with the shorter needle (1 inch), but was worse than for administration to the shoulder. It is not recommended to administer vaccines to the gluteal muscle in children due to the possibility of damaging the sciatic nerve, as in adults. As with other intramuscular injections, the vaccine should be administered with caution to persons receiving anticoagulant therapy or who have thrombocytopenia or another blood clotting disorder (haemophilia) as these individuals may bleed or bruise when administered intramuscularly (COMIRNATY SmPC).

Should obese and alcohol abusers be vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2?

People with chronic diseases, smoking and obesity, alcohol abusers are at risk of severe COVID-19 and vaccination against COVID-19 is also highly recommended in these groups.

What are the contraindications for vaccinations?

Hypersensitivity to active or auxiliary substances. The Pfizer / BoiNTech vaccine includes: 4-hydroxybutyl / bis hexane-6,1-digl / bis 2-decanionhexyl, 2-polyethylene glycol-2000-N, N-ditetradecylacetamide, 1,2-disteroyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine , cholesterol, potassium chloride, sodium chloride, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, disodium phosphate dihydrate, sucrose, water for injections. Or previous serious allergic reactions to vaccinations.

In the event of their appearance, we use the help of professional personnel.

  1. Who can and who must not be vaccinated against COVID-19?

How are vaccines prepared for administration to patients?

Once removed from the freezer, Pfizer / BioNTech vaccines must be thawed and, after thawing, can be stored for up to 5 days at 2-8 degrees Celsius. The next step in vaccine preparation is dilution with 0,9% sodium chloride solution. After dilution, the product is stable for 6 hours at temperatures up to 30 degrees Celsius for 6 hours. Due to microbiological safety, the vaccine should be administered immediately after dilution. Note we give a sterile dispersion in aseptic technique (the entire process is described in detail in the summary of product characteristics). Moderny vaccine is stable for a long time at minus 20 degrees Celsius, and after defrosting, the preparation remains stable for 30 days at 2 to 8 degrees Celsius (ordinary refrigerator).

Can I freely maneuver the administration of successive doses of vaccines?

Seroprotection. The vaccination schedule for COVID-19 should be selected or modified in such a way that the titer, i.e. concentration of antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 protein, is at a level considered as protective or higher. The drug administration schedule is based on the results of clinical trials, without which adherence, complaiance cannot be used. The second dose of Moderna vaccines is given after 28 days, and Pfizer / BioNTech after 21 days. The second dose should be vaccinated at the indicated time. The best possible protection against COVID-19 appears after the fourth week following the administration of the first dose of the mRNA vaccine.

Who is responsible for the medicinal product?

The marketing authorization holder, as stated in the marketing authorization, is responsible for the medicinal product.

In emergency situations, such as natural disasters, pandemics, warfare, other situations, financing, e.g. compensation, may be provided in a different way with the consent of the parties (pharmaceutical company – state or army). The COVID-19 pandemic has shown, on the one hand, the urging of vaccine manufacturers and drug registration agencies to faster end results, and on the other hand, numerous public questions about safety are multiplying. An investigation, as a result of the damage to health, as a result of an undesirable post-vaccination reaction, requires an expert opinion. The injured person should document that the ill health / damage to health / is not caused by any other cause than vaccination. It is also necessary to exclude other reasons not dependent on the MAH, such as distribution errors, i.e. non-compliance with good distribution practice or a medical error. Causation is the most difficult issue in medical disputes. The statute of limitations in these cases is 3 years.

I would like to thank the other 13 members of the Science Against Pandemic Program Board for the relevant information used in the preparation of this note.

PhD in farm science. Leszek Borkowski

Read also:

  1. Sequence of vaccinations against COVID-19. Check which group you belong to
  2. What does vaccination look like? How to Prepare?
  3. Scientists: The vaccine was created in a flash, but nothing to be afraid of

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