Is it true that a glass of wine every day is good for your health?

Wine is considered one of the oldest and most consumed alcoholic beverages in the world. For many years there has been a fierce debate about the beneficial and harmful properties of wine for health.

In this article, we will try to figure out whether a glass of wine every day is good for the body or is it better to completely exclude it from the diet.

Where did the expression that a glass of wine is good for health come from?

Even in ancient times, wine was considered as a drink that improves health, preserves the beauty and strength of the mind. The ancient Greek scientist Hippocrates spoke about the positive properties of wine and used it to heal patients, and the Roman commander Julius Caesar gave it to soldiers to improve health and raise morale.

In addition, the opinion about the benefits of red wine also came from the Mediterranean countries, where it is customary to drink this drink regularly, and people live long. Whether because of the wine or because of the climate, the food is not known for certain.

What useful and harmful substances are contained in a glass of wine

It is worth noting that the wine must be natural and produced in compliance with the technological processes of production. A powder drink will not do you any good, it does not contain useful substances.

According to the content of nutrients, dry red wine is considered the best. These wines are harder to fake, contain no sugar, and retain more of the nutrients from the grapes.

If we talk about the benefits of natural red wine, then it contains a number of useful trace elements and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the human body: tannins, B vitamins, flavonoids, resveratrol, coumarins, anthocyanins, phenolic acids, iron, phosphorus. 150 ml of the drink contains 15% of the daily requirement of manganese, 7% of the need for potassium and 6% of magnesium.

The main danger to human health is ethanol, which is a component of any alcoholic beverage. The use of ethyl alcohol destroys the psyche, leads to many pathological changes in the human body, and causes strong dependence.

Lead and arsenic that got into grapes from contaminated soil can have a negative impact on human health.

What happens in the human body after drinking a glass of wine

In 1992, French scientists Serge Renault and Michel de Lorgueril conducted a study according to which a small amount of red wine reduced the risk of developing heart disease by 40%.

Spanish scientists conducted a study and stated that people who drink wine in small quantities are 30% less prone to depression and nervous breakdowns.

However, recent scientific studies prove that the benefits of individual ingredients and all the beneficial properties of wine are leveled and nullified by the harmful effects of ethanol, which is contained in the drink.

Even a small dose of ethyl alcohol causes irreparable harm to the body and increases the risk of cancer and other diseases.

Scientists from the University of Cambridge conducted a study based on the results of which a person who drinks six glasses of wine a week loses about two years of life.

Is it true that a glass of wine a day is good for you?

Numerous tests involving more than 500 people have revealed that there is no safe dose of alcoholic beverages: one glass of wine daily is enough to increase the risks for the human body.

In addition, regular consumption of the drink can eventually develop into addiction and alcoholism, and if your wine norm is gradually increasing, then there is reason to think and seek help from a doctor.

Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health. Take care of yourself!

Which side of the argument do you support? What dose of alcohol do you consider safe for yourself?

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