Is it time for a career change?

If you feel like you’ve exhausted yourself in your current job, you probably are. How to decide to change? Coaching tips.

Do you no longer want to do what you devoted the last X years of your life to? Are you thinking about moving to another, at least adjacent, area? How to finally decide? How to understand what we are capable of, in what other area can our skills be useful? Coach Laura Strazzerri’s recommendations will help you overcome fears and determine the path to your goal.

Overcome stereotypes

The first step is to figure out who we are and what we can do. Our knowledge and skills are our main resources. And they can be used for professional purposes.

Make a list of what you can do based on the categories below (manual work, physical labor, etc.)

1. Handmade: do massage, fix things, do needlework…

2. Physical labor: play sports, gardening …

3. Possession of the word: speaking in public, writing …

4. Working with numbers: perform complex mathematical operations in the mind, memorize a large amount of digital information …

5. Logical thinking: collect information, analyze data, organize activities, plan…

6. Intuition: to anticipate results, events…

7. Helping others: listen, motivate, argue, advise, encourage…

8. Initiative: create groups, lead projects, persuade, make decisions…

9. Act according to instructions: follow a clear plan, paying attention to details …

Now ask yourself how much you enjoy each of the activities you listed. How interesting is it to you? What results do you achieve in this activity and what value do these results have? To what extent are your achievements in this area recognized by others? For each occupation and skill, rate it on a scale from 1 to 10. A higher score means that you have better skills in these skills, and they can be used as a guide when choosing a profession.

Understand your relationship with money

Relationships with money are complex. The main mental trap, which at this stage it would be useful to get rid of, is the belief that money, work and pleasure cannot coexist.

Think of five celebrities or just acquaintances who, in your opinion, are truly rich. Answer your questions:

1. Why do you like (or dislike) this person?

2. What was he successful at?

3. How did he achieve success and material prosperity?

4. Is he worthy of what he has achieved?

5. What can you learn from him?

6. Does his example match your values? If yes, why? If not, why not?

See also:

Find motivation and confidence

The basic trust in the world, that very feeling that “everything will be fine”, is laid in us in childhood. Unfortunately, many of us lack this sense of security. And without it, the world around us seems hostile, without it it is difficult to believe that we have the right to at least try to change our lives, and that this attempt will succeed. The conclusion is that we need to work on trust in the world and understand exactly where the energy of change is blocked.

Think of a job you would like to find (for example, a fashion salesman) and write down, without thinking too much, five qualities that would be useful for this job. For example: the ability to communicate, curiosity, etc. Then write down five reasons that may be obstacles to the realization of your desire. For example: inability to ask for a bank loan, a tendency to underestimate risks, etc. Rate each of the statements – both positive and negative – on a scale from 1 to 10, based on how applicable they are to you. Match the positive statements with the negative ones. Energy potential is the difference between positive and negative numbers. It shows in which zones your resources are blocked. Let’s say you have both fashion knowledge and a lot of enthusiasm, but your own beliefs (for example, that “commercial is unworthy”) limit you, and in order to maintain motivation, you must admit this. Only then can you go to the goal.

change point of view

The route is specified along the way. None of us knows what will be important to us in five years. The trick is to understand which areas of life are most important to us today.

Draw a circle and divide it into seven identical sectors that correspond to the following areas of life: feelings / relationships in a couple, family, work, money, health, entertainment / friendship, spirituality / emotions. Color the sections in different colors. Rate the importance of each area of ​​life on a scale of 0 to 10 and rate the importance of that area of ​​life (from 0 to 100). Look at the result.

Now imagine how you would like to see your life in a year. Draw another circle with seven sectors and color it in the same way. Pay attention to the difference in life “now” and “later”. The areas where there will be the biggest difference are the most important topics at the moment. Perhaps this will help you find new priorities for yourself.

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