Is it safe to use the ski slopes and swimming pools? Doctor: the risk of infection from water is not a problem
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– It is difficult to imagine an 85-year-old with numerous comorbidities, skiing or using an aquapark. The problem is staying on the slopes or swimming pools without keeping the distance of young people, who will later have contact with their elderly, burdened with diseases, parents or grandparents – explains Maciej Pawłowski, MD, a pediatrician who specializes in family medicine. Can the availability of sports facilities cause a renewed increase in the number of infected?

  1. On February 12, the ski slopes and swimming pools will be opened, announced Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. This decision also includes hotels and cultural facilities
  2. These facilities will be made available for two weeks. A full sanitary regime will apply everywhere
  3. The risk of getting infected by the water itself should be considered negligible, but the problem is, for example, common conversations in the locker room or at the swimming pool itself, e.g. on the edge of the swimming pool – explains Maciej Pawłowski, MD, PhD.
  4. What about the ski slopes? Doctor: If possible, take your own equipment, then we will avoid contact with other people in the closed rental shop
  5. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Karolina Świdrak, MedTvoiLokony: How do you rate the opening of swimming pools and ski slopes?

Maciej Pawłowski, MD, PhD: I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, I know that it is not only medical factors, but also social and economic factors that decide, on the other hand, I believe that one should be careful with the “defrosting” of individual sectors.

  1. Easing of restrictions. What will change? [LIST]

What is the risk of catching the virus while on the slope / skiing? Does medicine have research on this topic?

The TvoiLokony portal has already published articles about research on places particularly exposed to coronavirus transmission:

  1. Places where it is easiest to catch the SARS-CoV-2 cronavirus
  2. Coronavirus. The government is defending the lockdown. It shows where the risk of infection is

The ski slopes are not in the first place. When we talk about the risk of infection, we mean not just driving, but waiting in the crowded queue for the lift, a longer ride in a closed carriage or staying in a bar on the slope.

What activities and situations when skiing should we avoid in order not to expose ourselves to additional risks? Are family skiing trips safe? Using the equipment rental?

Standard proceedings – distance, mask, hand disinfection (although we are driving in gloves, do not touch our face, eyes, nose, etc.). If we go skiing with a loved one, the risk of infection with each other does not differ much from staying in one room, e.g. at home. As for the use of the equipment rental, it is a visit to the store as such and the equipment must be disinfected. If possible, take your own equipment, then we will avoid contact with other people in a closed room.

  1. Ski slopes reopened. How to ensure skiing safety during an epidemic?

What is the risk of infection at the swimming pool?

The risk of contracting the coronavirus from water is not a problem. On the government website you can read: “According to available scientific knowledge, the virus is transmitted mainly by droplets. There is little scientific evidence to suggest transmission of the virus by the fecal-oral route. Therefore, the risk of coronavirus infection through contact with the pool water used by infected people is low. “

The problem is the large number of people in the swimming pool, close contact in the locker room, joint conversations, etc.

What activities are better to avoid when visiting the pool? What’s the most dangerous? How to behave in the swimming pool, locker room, shower?

Similarly, standard procedures – distance, disinfection, with a mask will be more difficult and hence the risk is greater. The risk of infection by the water itself should be considered negligible, but the problem is, for example, common conversations in the locker room or at the swimming pool itself, e.g. at the edge of the swimming pool. If there are several people at the pool, separately on each track and they enter and exit the changing rooms at different times, the risk is negligible, but it will be difficult to comply with it.

Does chlorine and the chemicals used to disinfect swimming pools kill the virus?

I refer to the statement of an expert, Dr. Piotr Gryglas: “If it is (the virus – editorial note) outside, in the air, in water, on surfaces, then yes. Simple disinfectants kill the virus. From alcohol to soap, any agents that dissolve and penetrate into its casing can deactivate it. Dr Gryglas adds: – However, if the virus is already in us, then such chlorine or alcohol baths do not matter in the slightest.

  1. A new forecast for Poland. In the worst scenario, even 54 thousand. victims by June

Who, as a doctor, would you advise against visiting the slopes and swimming pools?

We need to consider the possibility of ‘unfreezing’ certain sectors so that it is safe for people and at the same time the owners do not go bankrupt. This can be difficult at times. On the slope, avoid using the bars and crowds in front of the lift. At the swimming pool, we should limit participants and we should not stay in the changing room without masks at the same time.

It is difficult to say who to advise against visiting the slopes and swimming pools. People most at risk of severe SARS-CoV-2 infection are unlikely to stay there in large numbers. It is difficult to imagine an 85-year-old with numerous comorbidities and difficulties with movement, skiing or using the Aquapark. The problem is staying on the slopes or swimming pools without keeping the distance of young people, who will later come into contact with their elderly, burdened with diseases, parents or grandparents.

Read also:

  1. Will Poland lift the restrictions? Lifeguard warns against scenario from Portugal
  2. Do people at this age spread the coronavirus the most? They are not vaccinated
  3. Three new symptoms of COVID-19. You can see them in the mouth, palms and soles of the feet

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