The husband needs to be educated. The song performed by the group — Girls.
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Love is love, and with whom to live — you need to choose. By the way, sometimes it brings up stupid people well!
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Lisa spins Alexei as she wants. Result? Alexei is happy for the rest of his life, Lisa is happy with him. Apparently, the whole point is not in the influence itself, but in the wisdom of the one who does it.
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How should a woman behave if she cannot negotiate with a man?
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Everyone educates everyone. A good husband brings up his wife, a wise wife brings up her beloved husband at the same time.
Is it possible to raise a husband? — Can. The demands of life are once the wishes of the wife. And raising a husband, if a wise wife does it, is good and normal. In the end, our ideal did not come into the world on its own, it was brought up that way by our parents. Education is possible and necessary. And now let’s agree that our girls and women do not know how to educate their husbands wisely and are not ready. And this, indeed, is the main thing that girls and women need to be taught.
Negotiating is a holy cause, this is the second great opportunity out of three. Necessarily to agree — but not only to agree. There are other possibilities that you should also be aware of. Set Format and Train are important additions.
Now I can say in fact — in our family and in families known to me (numerous), where this ideology is practiced, your fears turn out to be groundless. The foundation of relations is not eroded, mutual respect is not undermined… This is a fact, but of course it is interesting to think — why?
I’m thinking. I write the following explanations:
- We initially agreed that it was both possible and necessary to educate each other. We are grateful to each other for this. Naturally: either I educate myself, and then my beloved helps me, or even just does this difficult job for me! I will clarify: in fact, we do not educate each other. With us, everyone has been educating himself for a long time, the tasks and obligations of each are written down, and the role of the other is to control that the partner does what he himself has outlined.
- Each of us has an inner Parent, Adult and Child. And the great Law says: just as each of us needs to eat three times a day, so each of us needs to be in one of these roles every day. Accordingly, now I was a Parent, and she was a Child, after half an hour they switched roles. And then, in the role of Adults, all this was discussed. And they satisfied all the needs, and helped each other in a good deed.
- Anyone who is suddenly offended actually behaves like a child, and treating him like a child is adequate and harmless, especially when the parental position addressed to him is reasonable and benevolent.
Like this. If you are against being brought up by reasonable close people, sooner or later life will start to bring you up, and it will be tougher. What happens to those who are against education and self-education, see the article.