Let’s figure out what happens if you turn on an empty microwave. After the purchase, you want to quickly verify the performance of the equipment. What happens in such a situation? The user plugs the stove into an outlet, selects some mode and … puts nothing into the camera. Is it possible to do so? To understand what is happening inside the microwave oven, it is worth knowing the principle of its operation.
How the microwave works
The basis of any stove is electromagnetic waves. These waves act on water molecules, friction occurs, so the products heat up: moreover, not from the outside, as during baking, but from the inside.
Important! Inside, the chamber is made of metal (sometimes covered with enamel, ceramics) so that microwaves are reflected from the metal surface and hit the dish.
What happens if you turn on the microwave oven idle
To the question: “Is it possible to turn on the stove without food?” – there is only one answer: no. We will give strong arguments and evidence why it is impossible and how it will damage the technique.
A microwave oven put into operation, regardless of the mode, produces radiation that is absorbed by the products. If nothing is put into the chamber, the following will happen:
- The waves, without encountering obstacles, move on, hit the walls and are reflected from them again.
- The process will continue until the timer clicks, the appliance stops working.
The equipment will not hiss, smoke, spark, squeak, etc. But! The energy that is concentrated inside the chamber during operation does not have the best effect on the main components of the device. Because of such experiments, the magnetron quickly fails, this entails a complete breakdown of the equipment. If the magnetron fails, there is usually no reason to repair the furnace – the part may be too expensive.
To check the health of the microwave, just put a glass of water in it: if the water warms up, everything is in order.
Do not forget about the minimum weight norms of products: do not put products lighter than 0,2 kg on a plate. A bun or a small sandwich is the first step to a quick breakdown. There are too many waves that are generated in the chamber – the extra ones will still be reflected from the walls, harming the electrical appliance.
The evidence presented is usually sufficient to dispel interest in experiments of this kind. Although there will always be fans of trying to heat something with the door open, as well as lovers of putting their phone in the microwave to get hundreds of thousands of views on their video blog. This is a huge risk – do not repeat the sad experience.
Microwave danger
It is scientifically sound and proven that the radiation, because of which many people are afraid to buy a microwave oven, cannot cause harm. With one small amendment: subject to the operating rules prescribed in the instructions. A tightly closed door in combination with a blocker will not allow rays to escape into the external environment. If the waves suddenly leave the chamber, they quickly lose their effect in the atmosphere, so they cannot be harmful.
The main danger of microwave ovens is that users grab hot plates with their hands and burn themselves. Use oven mitts or choose special utensils that do not get too hot. Reviews on the topic: “What dishes can be put in the microwave”, “What dishes can not be heated in the microwave.”
Answers to burning questions
Are microwaves radioactive?
Microwaves are non-ionizing radiation, if you come across any information about radiation – do not believe it, this is nothing more than a myth. Heating is carried out exclusively during the friction of hydrogen molecules – this is not dangerous.
Is nutritional value being lost?
Some of the nutrients are really destroyed, but exactly the same effect happens while cooking on a gas, electric, induction stove or in the oven.
Is it possible to overheat water?
There is a difference between the traditional method of heating water and heating in the microwave. When boiling on a stove, heating comes exclusively from the bottom, so air bubbles run up the walls. The microwave does not cause such an effect – the water warms up throughout the volume, so it can overheat.
Be carefull! When removing a glass of water from the chamber, be careful: a small push can cause instant boiling and splashing of boiling water.
Should You Cook Eggs in the Microwave Oven?
Finally, let’s analyze the question that worries many users: can you put eggs in the microwave, if not, then why? It’s simple: products that are coated and consist mainly of liquid can explode due to an increase in pressure inside. By placing a closed lunchbox on a rotating plate, you will achieve the same effect – the lid will fly off, making a pop.
We hope that you have much less doubts about the use and generally expediency of buying a microwave oven. Make your life easier without fear of harming the body, and do not turn on the device when the chamber is empty.