Is it possible to soar feet at a temperature for a child
It is known that warm baths help the body cope with colds not only for adults, but also for children. But in order for the procedure to bring maximum benefit, you need to know whether it is possible to soar your legs at a temperature in a baby and how to do it correctly.
When you can soar the legs of a child
Foot baths have excellent healing properties, because they dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation. This, in turn, leads to the fact that leukocytes kill viruses and bacteria that have entered the body faster. Moreover, such a procedure is most effective in the early stages of the disease or as a prophylaxis.
You can soar your child’s feet at low temperatures.
Warm baths have practically no age restrictions, and this procedure can be carried out even for babies. But still, before starting such a treatment for a crumbs up to a year, you should consult a pediatrician.
At the same time, it is forbidden to soar legs if the baby’s body temperature exceeds 37,5 °. In this case, warm baths can provoke an increase in heat. In addition, it is forbidden to add additives such as mustard or essential oils to the water for skin diseases, mosquito bites and baby allergies to these substances.
In order for the baths to bring maximum benefit, you must perform this procedure correctly. Key recommendations:
- Treatment sessions should not be carried out more than 3 times a day.
- The maximum procedure time is 25 minutes.
- The water temperature in the bath should not exceed 40 °. In babies, the vessels are located closer to the surface of the body, and too hot water will lead to overheating or burns.
- If you make baths with mustard, then the procedure should last a maximum of 5-7 minutes.
- For the procedure, you can use not only a basin, but also a bucket. In this case, the baby’s ankles will also warm up.
- With a dry cough, it is worth soaring your feet in warm water, with the addition of eucalyptus oil, with a runny nose – with mustard.
- In order for the baby to endure the session normally, turn the bath into an exciting game or put the baby’s favorite cartoon. Then he will be more assiduous and calmly sit until the end of the procedure.
- After the session, you need to rub the legs with a terry towel and wear warm socks.
Soaring your feet in low temperatures is quite beneficial. But remember that warm baths are not a panacea, and they are only effective in the early stages of the disease. Therefore, the procedure should be carried out at the first sign of a cold. In addition, it is advisable to supplement such treatment sessions with hot raspberry and rosehip drinks.