Young milk mushrooms and volnushki are delicious in pickles and marinades, they are an adornment of any table. It does not take much time to prepare them, and the result will surely please. Preparations for the winter will turn out to be especially fragrant and tasty, if you salt the mushrooms and milk mushrooms together.

Is it possible to salt milk mushrooms and volnushki together

In order for such blanks to be produced in large quantities and stored until the next harvest, it is necessary to know the rules for preparing mushrooms, follow the recipe and storage conditions for cooked products.

Is it possible to salt milk mushrooms and volnushki together

Is it possible to salt milk mushrooms with waves

Before salting different types of forest gifts together, it is worth finding out if such a combination is possible.

Volnushki and milk mushrooms belong to the agaric mushrooms of the Russula family. Both of them are milkers. Their taste properties are similar, as is the preparation procedure before processing. For this reason, mushroom pickers who have harvested a large crop during the “silent hunt” are trying to make, in addition to individual ones, also combined preparations for the winter. And this is not surprising, because you can salt milk mushrooms and volnushki together, while getting more saturated and fragrant pickles. There are many cooking recipes. Among them, the most popular are salting by cold, hot, dry methods, using spices and spices.

How to pickle milk mushrooms and volnushki together

Properly salted fruit bodies are subsequently used in the preparation of various dishes. They are fried, stewed, marinated, boiled soups. Subject to all the rules, salting is the best way to preserve mushrooms.

Before salting milk mushrooms and waves together, they must be subjected to several procedures:

  • cleansing;
  • sorting;
  • soaking;
  • cutting.

For salting, it is worth choosing small mushrooms without wormholes. Of the spices, garlic, horseradish, cumin, cloves, blackcurrant leaves, allspice, dill, laurel are most often used. Their number should be such that the aroma of the waves and milk mushrooms is not interrupted.

You can only salt with coarse rock salt. Iodized – do not use for these purposes.

The best containers are barrels, kegs, enamel pots or buckets, glass jars. Each of the containers is carefully prepared before use, disinfected by sterilization or treatment with boiling water.

Important! Galvanized or earthenware should not be used, since the acid released during fermentation interacts with zinc and other chemical elements.

How much to soak milk mushrooms and waves before salting

After picking mushrooms, they are cleaned of needles, leaves, earth and washed thoroughly under running water. It is convenient to use sponges, toothbrushes for this purpose. This is especially important for mushrooms, known as “dirty” among agaric mushrooms. The quality of a dish depends on the purity of its ingredients.

Milk mushrooms and waves are lactic. Of these, juice stands out, which is acrid and bitter in taste. For this reason, they must be soaked before being salted. Milk mushrooms are placed in cold water for 3-4 days, changing it every 4 hours. Volnushki require soaking for 2 days, with the replacement of cold water with the same frequency. In the room where the procedure is carried out, it should be cool so that the fruiting bodies do not acidify.

Important! Mushrooms are ready for salting if, after soaking, their caps do not break, but bend.

How to salt volnushki and milk mushrooms in a cold way

Is it possible to salt milk mushrooms and volnushki together

For salting volnushki and milk mushrooms in a cold way, you will need the following ingredients:

  • mushrooms – 1 kg;
  • salt – 50 g;
  • water – 1 l;
  • spice;
  • citric acid – 2 g.

For preparation it is necessary:

  1. Put the spices in the bottom of the container.
  2. Cut the peeled and soaked mushrooms into pieces and place tightly in a container.
  3. Add salt and citric acid to the water.
  4. Fill with liquid.
  5. Sprinkle the top layer with salt and spices.
  6. Place circle and weight on top.
  7. Add mushrooms after 2 days.
  8. Put the container in a cool place for 2 months.
  9. If mold appears, carefully remove it, rinse the circle and the load.
Important! If the amount of brine has decreased, it should be replenished.

How to salt volnushki and milk mushrooms in a hot way

Is it possible to salt milk mushrooms and volnushki together

In hot weather, when there is no possibility of storage and soaking, they use a recipe for salting volnushki and milk mushrooms using the hot method.

For this purpose, pure mushrooms are boiled in salted water for half an hour. After that, they are washed with cold and thrown into a sieve or colander. Milk mushrooms and volnushki are placed in a prepared container, sprinkled with salt and seasoned with horseradish, garlic, bay leaf, tarragon. Top with a clean cloth, a flat plate and set the load. After storage in a cold place for 4 weeks, the product can be eaten.

The rate of salt use is 50 g per 1 kg of mushroom mass.

Important! When boiling several batches of fruiting bodies, you should not use the same solution so that they do not darken and retain bitterness.

How to quickly pickle milk mushrooms and volushki together

Is it possible to salt milk mushrooms and volnushki together

For a quick home salting of milk mushrooms and waves, you will need:

  • 10 kg of mushrooms;
  • rock salt – 0,5 kg.

To avoid prolonged soaking, mushrooms are blanched. To this end, they are boiled for 20 minutes, then washed in cold water and boiled again for 15 minutes, washed again. Salt, garlic, bay and currant leaves, dill are poured onto the bottom of the container. Mushrooms are laid in layers, sprinkled with salt, a load is placed on top of the circle. For 7 days placed in the refrigerator, after which they are laid out in jars and sealed tightly. The product is ready for use in a month. Assorted can be served with onions and vegetable oil.

How to salt black milk mushrooms and waves

Is it possible to salt milk mushrooms and volnushki together

Black mushrooms require a longer soak, which lasts about a week. You can determine that the mushrooms are ready for salting by taste: the pulp should have no bitterness.

The cold way is as follows:

  1. Volnushki and black milk mushrooms are soaked and washed.
  2. Salt is poured into the bottom of the container and mushrooms are laid in layers on top.
  3. Place the plate and load.

Black milk mushrooms have an original, pronounced taste, which should not be interrupted with spices and herbs. Salt consumption is about 50 g per 1 kg of fruiting bodies.

Important! Cold-cooked mushrooms are ready when the black mushrooms turn bright red. This happens after a month and a half.

The method of salting milk mushrooms and waves in jars

In order to salt milk mushrooms and volnushki in jars, they are cleaned, washed, the legs are cut off and the hats are put in an enameled pan for two days, not forgetting to periodically change the water.

After soaking, it is necessary to weigh and prepare coarse salt at the rate of 40 g per 1 kg of mushrooms. At the bottom of a three-liter jar, lay dill umbrellas, currant leaves, horseradish, cherries, garlic cloves. Place fruit bodies in layers, caps down, interspersed with spices and seasonings. After filling the jar, place oppression on top and transfer to the cellar or refrigerator. A month later, the product is ready. By this time, its volume will be reduced by a third.

How to deliciously pickle milk mushrooms and volnushki with spices

Is it possible to salt milk mushrooms and volnushki together

To prepare salted mushrooms with spices, you will need:

  • a mixture of milk mushrooms and waves – 3 kg;
  • salt – 150 g;
  • water;
  • allspice;
  • caraway;
  • dill umbrellas;
  • cloves;
  • garlic cloves;
  • cherry leaves;
  • sprigs of black currant;
  • horseradish;
  • Bay leaf.

Mushrooms are placed in an enameled pan and every third layer is covered with a mixture of salt and spices. Salted boiled water is poured on top, a circle and oppression are placed. After the mushrooms settle, you can add a new portion of milk mushrooms and waves, place the container in a cold place.

How to salt milk mushrooms and volnushki in a dry way

Is it possible to salt milk mushrooms and volnushki together

The dry method involves pre-soaking for several days, then sorting and grinding the largest specimens. For mushrooms, jars or bottles with a wide mouth are prepared, which are subjected to sterilization.

Dry salting of milk mushrooms and waves is carried out according to the plan:

  1. A layer of a mixture of fruiting bodies is laid at the bottom of the container.
  2. Pour salt on it, put garlic cloves, horseradish leaves.
  3. Repeat layers to the very top of the container.
  4. The top is covered with gauze, and cherry and currant leaves are laid on it.

It is not necessary to install oppression, since the narrow neck of the container does not allow the mushrooms to emerge. Salt should be 6% of the weight of the fruiting bodies, the amount of seasoning is taken to taste.

A month later, the mushroom mass is washed and used in various dishes.

How to pickle volnushki and milk mushrooms for the winter with garlic and horseradish leaves

Is it possible to salt milk mushrooms and volnushki together

The recipe includes:

  • fresh waves and milk mushrooms – 5 kg;
  • salt – 2 tbsp.;
  • garlic;
  • tubes of dill stems;
  • leaves of horseradish, currant and cherry.

For preparation it is necessary:

  1. Thoroughly clean and wash the mushrooms.
  2. Soak them for 3 days.
  3. Sprinkle each hat with salt and put in a container.
  4. Put garlic cloves and pieces of horseradish root between the layers.
  5. Top with gauze.
  6. Place horseradish leaves on the cloth, which will not allow the mushrooms to darken.
  7. Set oppression so that the fruiting bodies are completely covered with brine.
  8. Place the container in a cold place for a month.
  9. Store in the same container or transfer to sterile glass jars.

In this way, you can salt russula, volnushki and milk mushrooms together and separately. Any option is tasty and fragrant, can be used as a preparation for salads, appetizers, caviar, soups.

Important! In russula, it is recommended to remove the skin from the cap, as it can give bitterness.

Hot salting of milk mushrooms and volnushki with currant leaves

Is it possible to salt milk mushrooms and volnushki together

Among the recipes according to which you can salt such mushrooms, similar in structure and taste, as volnushki and milk mushrooms, the hot method is popular. It does not require much time, it is simple and affordable.

The recipe includes:

  • fresh milk mushrooms and waves – 700 g;
  • black peppercorns – 10 pcs .;
  • cloves of garlic – 3 pcs.;
  • blackcurrant leaves – 5 pcs.;
  • cloves – 4 pcs.;
  • salt – 35 of

Method of preparation:

  1. Clean and soak the mushrooms.
  2. Place volnushki and milk mushrooms in an enameled container and cook for half an hour.
  3. Drain in a colander and let the brine drain.
  4. Sterilize jars.
  5. Transfer mushrooms to jars.
  6. Fill them with brine.
  7. Add all other ingredients.
  8. Close with lids.
  9. Store in a cool place.

How many days salted volnushki and milk mushrooms

After salting milk mushrooms and waves for the winter, the containers are transferred for storage to a cool place – a basement, a cellar, or put in a refrigerator.

Volnushki and milk mushrooms, cooked in a hot way, can be consumed in a month. Mushrooms prepared by a cold or dry method are best used for food one and a half months after the last batch of fruiting bodies is packed in a container.

Storage Rules

Salted mushrooms are stored in glass jars, enameled pots or buckets, wooden barrels in a cool place at a temperature of 0 ⁰С to +4 ⁰С. At negative temperatures, the product loses its taste properties, freezes, becomes brittle. If the thermometer rises above +5 ⁰С, milk mushrooms and waves can turn sour and become moldy.

It is necessary to ensure that the fruiting bodies are always covered with brine. Otherwise, you need to urgently add boiled water.

When mold appears, the fabric is replaced or washed, the circle is treated and oppressed with boiling water.

The maximum storage time for salted mushrooms, regardless of the recipe, is 1 year.


It is worth learning how to salt volnushki and milk mushrooms in order to get a real delicacy of cuisine. The main points of preparing blanks according to different recipes are identical, the difference lies in the details. It is important to pay close attention to the preparation of mushrooms for salting – their cleaning and soaking. If this stage is carried out in accordance with all the rules, the product does not taste bitter, acquires a crispy texture, and is well stored. With the help of spices and spices, you can achieve the desired taste of waves and milk mushrooms. It’s easy to make them spicier, spicier, or have a natural flavor and aroma.

Food # 4.2. How to pickle milk mushrooms and waves. Recipe. Fast, hot way.

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