Is it possible to play sports during menstruation

Is it possible to play sports during menstruation

The expert told when it is better to refrain from training.

Master of Sports in Powerlifting and Oncologist

Exercising in the absence of meals during the day is not worth it for several reasons. First, it will reduce the intensity of the workout itself. You will not have enough strength, and your mood will deteriorate. Overweight people who are emotionally strongly attached to food risk a nervous breakdown after fasting. Yes, and after class, a wolfish appetite will wake up, and you will immediately empty the weekly supplies in the refrigerator. Also, classes, if you have not eaten for a long time, slow down the metabolism of an untrained person. The training itself is already stress for the body, and without nutritional support, it doubles the tension for the nervous system. And, finally, you can simply fall into a hungry swoon.

Back in school, we remembered that periods are the best way to skip physical education lessons. These days, many women experience discomfort, weakness, dizziness and various ailments. It is better to postpone workouts, they will not bring benefits and joy. And if you have gynecological diseases, then no options. Heavy bleeding during menstruation and extra strength will only worsen the situation.

If you do not experience health problems on the “red” days of the calendar, then doing fitness is not only possible, but also useful. The main thing is not to overdo it. Give up abdominal exercises, do not lift weights, and replace active types of fitness with more relaxed ones. On these days, light weight training, running, yoga, stretching exercises, and walking are best suited.

Sports and alcohol are two absolutely incompatible things. Fitness itself threatens injury: you can stumble on the treadmill, accidentally ride a dumbbell in your eyebrow or drop it on your leg, sip on water in the pool. And if you go to a sports club under a degree, then the risk of injury increases significantly. Someone believes that alcohol is great for warming up muscles. The adherents of this theory assure that after a cocktail party the feeling of fatigue disappears. They rejoice in vain. Alcohol does not make you stronger, but only raises your pain threshold. It seems that you train with great impact, and in the meantime the muscles are torn to shreds. Understanding comes later, when doping ends. Workout with a hangover isn’t an option either. The maximum that one can afford in such a state is swimming or moderate walking, and then according to the state. Better still, go to a sports club sober.

In order for sports activities to be beneficial and in a great mood, you should not treat them like an obsessive fanatic. Daily training causes fatigue, does not give the muscles the necessary time to recover, and the psyche is exposed to excessive stress. It is best to allocate for sports 2-3 times a week.

If, nevertheless, you cannot live a day without sports, remember an important rule and do not neglect it – alternate strength exercises and cardio training. One day is strength fitness or gym, the next is cardiac muscle training and endurance increase. The most optimal cardio workouts are running, jumping rope, and swimming.

Even after a light snack, you can’t immediately run to the gym. The break between eating and exercising should ideally be 2 to 3 hours. During this time, the food will be able to calmly digest, and after exercise there will be no feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Athletes with gastrointestinal conditions can develop heartburn.

In pursuit of a beautiful body with a catastrophic lack of time, many women choose evening time for training. But there are many reasons to ignore evening workouts, ranging from “it’s hard to fall asleep after exercise” to “it’s bad for the heart.” Such fears are not without meaning.

Under the influence of strength training, adrenaline and norepinephrine are actively synthesized in the body. This will definitely not contribute to a normal night’s sleep. Similar statements are true for fast running. At this point, the heart works at a fast pace, thereby increasing blood flow. As a result, the body goes into a state of excitement, and you will not want to sleep. A draining, athletic workout at eight in the evening will not have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and nerves. But negative effects can be avoided if certain rules are followed. The main thing is to replace heavy strength exercises with lighter fitness exercises. Then the sleep will be sound and the state of health in the morning is normal. And for women suffering from overweight, the result will be obvious. Evening workouts promote fat burning, but remember that the last meal in this case should be before training.

Doctor and athlete Maria Klimova knows how to make women healthy and beautiful

If you’re exhausted and feeling like a squeezed lemon, listen to your body and postpone your workout. You won’t get any positive results. On the contrary, you can only provoke stress, cause hunger, but most importantly, the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system will increase. It is better to take an extra hour nap than to load a tired body with training.

During pregnancy and after childbirth

During pregnancy, it is possible and necessary to engage in fitness, but it is necessary to agree on a training program with a doctor and make adjustments with an increase in the duration of pregnancy. After giving birth, doctors do not recommend playing sports for about two months. However, everything is individual. If you did not give birth yourself, but with the help of a cesarean section, you will have to wait 2-3 months to start light physical activity, and up to 6 months to exercise at full strength.

With poor eyesight, harsh and active sports are contraindicated. No boxing, weightlifting or tennis. All trainings only with the agreement of an ophthalmologist. The causes of visual impairment are different, which means that the approach is individual. Exercises that train the eye muscles will be useful. In this case, ball games (table tennis, badminton) are indispensable, as well as running, during which it is useful to consider now distant, now close objects. If you have severe myopia or farsightedness, choose quieter sports. This can be yoga, pilates, swimming, running, walking, skiing, aerobics, badminton. Any loads associated with increased intracranial pressure are contraindicated in poor vision. Not for you martial arts, sharp lifts of heavy weights, exercises where you need to keep your head below your feet.

When the body is already weakened, do not abuse sports.

High-intensity activities that include weight lifting or aerobic exercise have a negative effect on immunity during a cold or any other respiratory infection. Therefore, here you need to feel the edge and be aware that one extra strength exercise can add several painful days to your sick leave. Try to correctly build your workout and not overload your body if you do decide to go to the gym. And a couple more tips: do not drink invigorating drinks before and after training, and after training, take time for a leisurely walk, or just stay in a calm atmosphere without bothering your head with pressing problems.

Tatiana Belyak, Yulia Evteeva

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