You can plant blackberries next to raspberries, because the cultures are related. They have many common growing conditions, their neighborhood brings many advantages. Such a joint landing also has negative sides.

Features of growing raspberries and blackberries

It is important to choose the right place to plant blackberries next to raspberries. The main requirements are:

  • good lighting;
  • protection from strong wind – it damages foliage with fruits, prevents pollination;
  • remoteness of groundwater at least 1,5 m from the surface;
  • lack of moisture stagnation;
  • the optimal level of acidity is pH 6.

Both blackberries and raspberries love soil with a light texture that doesn’t retain moisture. Blackberries give the maximum yield when planted in well-drained loam. Such a soil in terms of mechanical composition is also suitable for raspberries. It is more efficient to grow a crop on chernozem, gray forest and sod-podzolic soil.

Raspberry-blackberry plantings need comprehensive care. When growing these crops, the following activities are important:

  • regular and abundant watering;
  • systematic weeding and loosening;
  • mulching – such a measure inhibits the growth of weeds, does not allow valuable moisture to evaporate;
  • top dressing several times per season;
  • pruning.

Both crops respond well to nitrogen fertilizers. It is effective to mulch bushes with humus or compost so that valuable elements come with each watering. Nitrogen fertilizers are appropriate until mid-summer, after which their amount is reduced. Otherwise, the growth period will be extended, crops will not have time to prepare for winter, they will suffer during it.

Raspberries and blackberries are united by high shoot formation. This means the need for pruning. In blackberries, only the shoots of the second year of life bear fruit. Cut them out in the fall. In raspberries, shoots live only two years. By the end of the period after fruiting, they dry out. They need to be removed so that new stems appear next year.

Sanitary pruning is carried out in the spring. Get rid of the affected shoots during the winter. They are shortened to the first living kidney.

Blackberries and raspberries are planted at regular intervals, forming rows. It is effective to use trellises to limit them, on which it is convenient to fix shoots in the summer.

Comment! With annual pruning, they make sure that the aisles do not overgrow, the plantings do not thicken.
Is it possible to plant raspberries and blackberries side by side

The best option for blackberry neighborhood is black raspberry, which is a hybrid of both species.

Is it possible to plant blackberries next to raspberries

You can plant raspberries and blackberries together, because these crops are relatives. Both plants are shrub-shaped. They belong to the same family Rosaceae and the genus Rubus.

Pros of the neighborhood of raspberries with blackberries

A joint raspberry-blackberry planting has many positive aspects. The main advantages are:

  • harmonious type of landings;
  • lack of cross-pollination – taste and other properties are preserved;
  • the same requirements for the landing site – it is easier to select and prepare the site;
  • similar care measures – this greatly facilitates the life of the gardener;
  • common diseases and pests – the same treatment is needed for treatment and prevention.

Cons of blackberry neighborhood with raspberries

The main disadvantage of planting blackberries next to raspberries is the ability of both crops to grow quickly and strongly. This greatly complicates not only the care of the bushes, but also the harvest. It is difficult to get through these thorny bushes, it is not easy to collect mixed berries. Regular removal of root shoots and systematic pruning will help to avoid such trouble.

Comment! For joint planting with raspberries, it is better to choose blackberry varieties without thorns. These are Thornfree, Smutstem, Black Satin, Loch Ness, Natchez and other options.

The neighborhood with raspberries and blackberries has other disadvantages:

  • common diseases and pests – the problem of one culture quickly passes to the second;
  • raspberries are stronger and can survive blackberries if there are too few bushes of the latter.

Most blackberry varieties are more drought and frost resistant than their relative. These features should be taken into account when watering and preparing for winter, focusing specifically on raspberries.

Is it possible to plant raspberries and blackberries side by side

Proper joint planting of raspberries with blackberry bushes and competent care for them deprive such a neighborhood of disadvantages

How to plant blackberries next to raspberries

Blackberries are recommended to be planted only in spring. Raspberries are suitable for different seasons:

  • spring before bud growth – this time is optimal for seedlings with an open root system;
  • summer is the right moment for planting green cuttings;
  • autumn – better in the second half of August or September, at least two weeks should remain before frost.

It is more efficient to plant both crops at the same time. It is important to respect the spacing between rows. The recommended distance is 1,5-2 m. Bushes can be placed at intervals of 0,5 m.

If space saving is in the first place, then it is better to choose varieties with low shoot-forming ability. Then they can be placed more densely, including two seedlings in one hole. In this case, it is better for the bushes to allocate a place along the fence or on the border of the site, stepping back 1 m.

A place for planting raspberries and blackberries is best determined in advance. It is effective to plan such a neighborhood for 2-3 years in order to properly prepare the site. Good predecessors for both shrubs are:

  • bean annuals;
  • green manure;
  • cereals;
  • pumpkin crops – zucchini, cucumbers, squash.

Raspberries and blackberries are not returned to their original place for at least five years. In addition to their own species, tomatoes, potatoes and garden strawberries are poor predecessors for both crops. The reason lies in the same diseases and pests, valuable elements absorbed from the soil.

Comment! Raspberries and blackberries should not be planted between fruit trees. Bushes will grow worse, give a poor harvest.
Is it possible to plant raspberries and blackberries side by side

The dominance of raspberry bushes is not recommended – they are planted as much or less than blackberries

When planting raspberries and blackberries together, it is important to properly prepare the site since last year:

  1. Dig up the chosen place.
  2. Remove all weeds.
  3. Apply mineral fertilizers and organics in the fall. For 1 m², 25 g of potassium sulfate, 15 g of superphosphate, 10 kg of manure, compost or humus are enough. Fertilizers are mixed with the fertile part of the soil.
  4. Prepare holes in the spring.

Planting pits for raspberries and blackberries are prepared according to the size of the seedlings. Usually a recess of 40×50 cm is sufficient. An alternative is to make trenches.

When planting bushes, it is important to deepen the seedling so that the base of the stem with the replacement bud is 2-3 cm below the surface.

After placing the seedlings, the ground must be tamped down. Plants are watered, spending 4-6 liters per bush. Organic mulching is recommended. In autumn, it is better to replace it with other materials.

Both raspberries and blackberry bushes are pruned immediately after planting. Leave only 25-30 cm.

Raspberries grow strongly, capturing the territory occupied by neighboring bushes. Hard material such as slate, metal or durable plastic dug into the ground will help limit its invasion. Such sheets are buried by 0,5-0,6 m.


You can plant blackberries next to raspberries due to their relationship. Such a neighborhood has many positive aspects, and a few shortcomings can be easily eliminated by the correct placement of the bushes and competent care for them.

Planting scheme for raspberries and blackberries

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