Is it possible to plant crops in winter
When the entire crop is harvested and the garden is preparing for hibernation, the question may arise whether it is possible to plant vegetable crops in winter so that with the arrival of spring, the first vitamin fruits can be harvested. The answer to this question is unequivocal – you can.
What crops can be planted before winter?
There are many types and varieties of vegetables and salads suitable for sowing in late autumn. They are resistant to frost, quickly sprout with the arrival of the first heat and are not afraid of diseases and harmful insects.
You can plant some vegetables and herbs in winter.
The most successful option when choosing crops for winter planting will be:
- Various salads, salad mustard, spinach, sorrel, rhubarb.
- Greens. Types such as parsley, dill, parsnips, cilantro are suitable.
- Onions.
- Garlic.
- Radish. The most cold-resistant varieties are “Zarya”, “Heat”, “Rose Red”.
- Carrot. The smallest number of peduncles, which take away the main forces from the plant, appear in the varieties “Vitaminnaya 6”, “Nantskaya 4”, “NIIOKH 336”
- Beet. You should choose the varieties “Egyptian flat”, “Cold-resistant 19”, “Polar flat K-249”, “Podzimnyaya, A-474”.
- Celery.
- Cauliflower and Chinese cabbage.
After harvesting these crops in the spring, the place where they grew can be reused by planting any other seeds or seedlings.
Before starting the late autumn sowing, the soil must be prepared. To do this, it is carefully dug up and fertilized with organic, mineral dressings and ash. To prevent the autumn rains from overmoistening the soil, it can be covered with a film or other moisture-repellent material.
What kind of ornamental plants can be planted before winter?
It is worth noting that not only vegetables, but also flowers can be planted before winter. And then, in early spring, the summer cottage will delight not only with vitamins, but also with bright colors of the first flowers.
Among the perennial species of flowering plants, one can distinguish those whose seeds grow better after stratification, being in low temperatures. Such flowers need to be planted only in autumn, they undergo a kind of hardening and in spring they delight the eye with exuberant flowering.
In late autumn, you can plant:
- Lavender.
- Delphinium.
- Fever.
- Aquilegia.
- Cyclamens.
- Primrose.
If it was not possible to plant these flowers in the fall, then you need to know that before planting in the warm season, they must first be artificially stratified by placing the moistened seeds in the refrigerator for 1-3 months.
Winter landing has a lot of advantages. Thanks to her, with the arrival of the first spring warmth, you can enjoy vitamins from your own garden, when others are just starting to plant seeds.