“Planning for health” sounds strange, right? Time goes by, the body gets old, what are you planning? In fact, “I will grow old” is the plan. And if you do not agree with it, you can replace it with a more optimistic model.
Perhaps in your environment there are those who refuse to grow old: the years go by, and they are cheerful, happy and energetic. Nowadays, there are more and more such people, and thanks to their findings, the idea of planning one’s health is gaining momentum.
What is it? Life expectancy is growing, and the question becomes very important: in what state will I come to old age? It is time to think about this already at a young age – and not just to think, but to start acting. How to take a healthy approach to planning and developing your health, where to start?
Relationship strategy
How do people build relationships with their health? There are several standard strategies.
“I get treated when I get sick” – a standard scheme for communicating with the body, it came from the Soviet past. A person who does not pay attention to the state of the body notices it only when something starts to hurt. Remember the joke “the head hurts, so it is there”? This is exactly how different parts of the body appear in the area of attention.
The result of such an attitude is deplorable: acquaintance with the body occurs when it is quite difficult to get pleasure from caring for it, from development and exercise.
“I am undergoing preventive examinations” — a more efficient model, introduced long ago in the West. The champion in prevention is Japan, so life expectancy here is very high. A person pays attention to the body periodically, responsibly approaches the control of its condition, and does not allow the development of diseases.
The disadvantage of this method is that attention is paid to the body in order to find out what is wrong. Against the background of such “communication”, there is not always a desire to improve the condition – and so everything is fine, why try?
The development of health – this trend has recently become fashionable. It lies in the idea of moving from good to better. Now the body is working fine, but how can I make it even healthier and more energetic?
Researchers agree that this idea is the future, because this approach allows you to extend youth … to almost any age! In this case, you are interested in the body in order to find out: what is good about it now, how energetic I feel – and what I would like to do to make my body even more comfortable.
The evolution of health from good to better
Every doctor knows that absolutely healthy people … do not exist? And here it is not. Everyone starts moving from good to better from their own level of “good” – for some it is higher, for others it is lower.
Don’t be too hard on yourself. This strategy is also suitable for people with certain diseases: they just start not from a plus, but from a certain minus – but at the same time they plan to develop their health after they get a plus.
This type of attention directed to the body allows you to implement any healing practices into your life – proper nutrition, regular check-ups with a doctor, exercises – with an understanding of why and why I do it. I develop health so that every day it gets better and better.
Scaling exercise
As world practice shows and as we see at every seminar in our school, what you scale, that is, measure, check and test, develops. Let’s test this statement together.
Set an hourly chime on your watch or phone and when it rings, bring your attention to your body, asking the question:
– Which part of the body is now the most relaxed – where I feel more pleasant relaxation, spreading, the greatest amount of pleasant sensations. Imagine that you are measuring this pleasant sensation on a scale from 1 to 100 – by how many conventional units does relaxation feel right now?
Anticipating questions, I will warn you: “not at all” is the wrong answer! And here’s why: could there be less relaxation in this area? If it can, then there is some kind of relaxation here … At least by one! Is it logical?
What can I do to develop these pleasant sensations, this existing level of relaxation? Like stretch? Or walk? Do this and rate on a scale from 1 to 100, how much has the level of relaxation increased, the feeling of pleasant spreading in the muscles?
No methods of self-coercion and no experiences give such a healing effect as finding pleasure in taking care of yourself.
By introducing this scaling method into our seminars, we have achieved amazing results: 80% of our students, having mastered gymnastics for the spine, continue to do it – for years! They don’t force themselves, they don’t motivate in hard ways. By scaling pleasurable sensations, they learn to enjoy doing useful exercises.
It is on such findings that the trend of developing one’s health is built: no methods of self-compulsion (“I have to take care of myself!”), no experiences (“what if I’m very sick ?!”) do not give such a healing effect as the search for pleasure in taking care of yourself.
Only people who love healthy food can maintain a healthy diet for years. People who love exercise can do useful exercises for years. Those who like to be healthy and energetic can develop health. Look for these pleasant sensations – even in a minimal amount – and they will grow! Checked!