Is it possible to get pregnant with menstruation? Video

Is it possible to get pregnant with menstruation? Video

Changes in a woman’s body occur cyclically: on certain days the egg matures and ovulation occurs, during which you can become pregnant, after which the unfertilized egg is excreted with menstrual bleeding, the likelihood of pregnancy at this time is very low. Nevertheless, it exists, and some women became pregnant precisely during menstruation, since ovulation does not always occur at the right time or once per cycle.

Pregnancy during menstruation

The calendar method of contraception, which some women practice, consists in calculating the days favorable for conception, and using additional methods of contraception on these days, the rest of the time, these women do not use contraception, because they are sure that during menstruation, for some time it is impossible to get pregnant before and after them.

If the cycle is regular, and ovulation occurs on time, then the chances of conceiving a child during this period are negligible, but for many, even healthy women, the moment of ovulation can shift or occur twice, so doctors do not consider the calendar method an effective method of contraception

To understand why menstruation cannot be considered an obstacle to the onset of pregnancy, you need to consider in detail what happens in a woman’s body during the menstrual cycle, and how pregnancy occurs.

How does pregnancy occur?

On average, a woman’s menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, the norm is considered to be from 24 to 35 days, although there are shorter and longer periods, it all depends on the characteristics of the organism. Ovulation occurs 14 days before the start of the next period, so on a 28-day cycle, it happens right in the middle. But girls with a longer cycle, for example, 35 days, cannot expect to ovulate in the middle – it will happen around the 20th day, and women with more frequent (every 20-22 days) menstruation should wait for ovulation only by the fifth or sixth day.

If the cycle is short, then the time of ovulation may be at the end of your period, so the chance of getting pregnant increases.

An egg that has matured as a result of ovulation in a woman’s body lives for about two days, if at this time she was not fertilized, it is excreted from the body. If the spermatozoa met with her, and one fertilized her, then conception occurs, which, under favorable circumstances, will turn into pregnancy. Since sperm can live in a woman’s body for up to seven days, and sometimes even more, the time favorable for conception is extended by almost a week.

Pregnancy during menstruation

Under the conditions described above, when ovulation occurs 14 days before the onset of menstruation once a month, a woman can indeed calculate unfavorable days for conception and decide that there is no chance of getting pregnant during her period. Nevertheless, such cases occur even among those girls who boast a stable and regular cycle lasting 28-30 days. The fact is that the body never works like a clock, and ovulation can shift, occur twice a month.

The reasons for such changes can be hormonal changes in the body due to various reasons:

  • abortion
  • childbirth
  • preclimatic period
  • severe stress
  • changes in weather conditions
  • relocation

In addition, there is such a phenomenon as spontaneous ovulation – in some cases, as a result of a strong shock (hormonal surge, strong orgasm and other reasons), a second egg is released. The woman is unaware of this, but it can be a serious risk for pregnancy during menstruation.

The ability to spontaneously ovulate is often hereditary, so ask your mom about unplanned pregnancies on days that are unfavorable for conception.

Even if no changes occurred in the body, and ovulation passed as usual (in the middle of the cycle), there is still a chance of getting pregnant during menstruation. The first days of menstruation are the most unfavorable for conception, since heavy bleeding prevents sperm from moving towards their goal, and an unfavorable environment in the vagina reduces their activity. But if menstruation lasts a long time, up to seven days, and sexual intercourse occurred in the last days, then the sperm can remain active for a week, waiting for the time when the egg is ripe. With a 28-day cycle, the likelihood of pregnancy in this case is quite high, and with a longer cycle there is a risk that this time ovulation may occur earlier, allowing the sperm to meet with the egg.

The calendar method of contraception is the most unreliable of all existing, doctors do not recognize it

To protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy, use more effective contraception, such as condoms or oral contraceptives. Also, keep in mind that during your period you are more likely to catch an infection, since the cervix is ​​ajar, so even if you are not afraid of getting pregnant, it is advisable to use a condom.

There are also cases when women become pregnant two weeks before their period, after which there is bleeding associated with pregnancy, but mistaken for menstruation. After that, many people mistakenly believe that conception occurred precisely during menstruation.

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1 Comment

  1. සන්සර්ගයක් සිදි උ විට උපත් පලන පෙති වෙනුවට ගැනිමට හැකි අයුර්වෙද බෙහෙත් මොනාද.?

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