Is it possible to freeze rows and how to do it correctly

Rows are often classified as inedible mushrooms. This opinion is erroneous, since with proper preparation they can be eaten without any negative consequences. For many, the question of how to store mushrooms for the winter is relevant. To do this, it is recommended to freeze the rows, providing them with long-term preservation.

Is it possible to freeze rows and how to do it correctly

Is it possible to freeze rows

Collected in the forest or purchased mushrooms can be pickled, pickled or cooked in other ways. But in order for them to survive for a long time, it is necessary to create suitable conditions for this. By freezing, you can keep the rows fresh. In the future, it will be enough to defrost them and cook any dish with them at your discretion.

Preparing rows for freezing

To freeze and ensure the long-term preservation of rows, they must first be prepared. Some prefer to send fresh to the freezer. This should not be done, since such a freeze is fraught with negative consequences.

Among them:

  • shortening the shelf life;
  • the likelihood of a strong odor;
  • the appearance of mold and putrefactive foci;
  • pronounced bitter taste after defrosting.
Important! It is forbidden to freeze uncleaned rows. This will lead to the fact that the workpiece will deteriorate, and its taste will become unpleasant.

After purchase or self-collection in the forest, a thorough cleaning is necessary:

Preparing mushrooms for cooking (clean, wash, soak)

Adhering leaves and blades of grass, other contaminants are removed from the surface of the hats. Use a knife to cut off the damaged areas so that they are not stored with the main product.

It is not recommended to freeze the lower part of the legs. It is tough and practically unsuitable for use in cooking.

Cleaning can be done in the following ways:

  • removal of contaminants from the surface of the legs and hats without contact with water (dry method);
  • cleaning after a short soak in water (wet method).

If the rows have been in contact with water, then they must be dried before freezing. Otherwise, the remaining moisture will lead to damage to the structure, which will affect the taste.

How to freeze rows for the winter

There are 2 easy freezing methods. The first provides for fresh harvesting without preliminary heat treatment. Mushrooms are pre-cleaned of contaminants and washed. Then they are dried, collected in a suitable container and placed in the freezer.

Important! Rows frozen fresh can be very bitter. Therefore, after defrosting, it is necessary to remove the bitterness by carefully boiling or pickling.

Another method involves heat treatment. Before freezing rowing mushrooms for the winter, they should be boiled in water. Thanks to this, they retain their structure, taste, and take up less space in the freezer.

Stages of preparation:

  1. Put a pot half-filled with water on the fire.
  2. When the liquid boils, add some salt.
  3. Rows are placed in boiling water (whole or pre-chopped).
  4. Reduce the fire and remove the resulting foam.
  5. Cook without covering the pan with a lid.
  6. After 15 minutes, the rows are thrown into a colander, allowing to drain and cool.

An important advantage of heat treatment over freezing is that no contaminants or harmful microorganisms remain on the mushrooms that can cause mold.

Is it possible to freeze rows and how to do it correctly

When water drains from the rows, they are laid out on a tray or immediately placed in storage containers. You can decompose the product in portions, indicating the date of freezing on each container. After that, they are placed in the freezer and not removed from there for at least 12 hours.

Thawed mushrooms can be fried or used for cooking first courses. They also make a good addition to salads and savory pastries.

Terms and conditions of storage

Frozen mushrooms are stored for a long period of time. The shelf life depends on the conditions inside the freezer. At a temperature of -14-18°C, the workpiece will last for 6-8 months. If the temperature is below -18 – the shelf life increases to 1 year or longer.

Is it possible to freeze rows and how to do it correctly

The climatic conditions inside the chamber must be constant. Temperature fluctuations are unacceptable during deep freezing, as it affects the safety of the products contained in the freezer. Thawed rows, like any other blanks, are not recommended to be re-frozen.


The need to freeze rows arises for everyone who wants to save them for the winter. This allows you to significantly increase the shelf life. With proper freezing and maintaining the required temperature, rows will last at least six months. When thawed, they can be used to prepare a variety of dishes and snacks.

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