Is it possible to eat pumpkin with gastritis

Pumpkin for gastritis is a universal food and medicine at the same time. The unique properties of the vegetable are applicable in all forms of the disease, if cooked in different ways. Proper selection of pumpkin dishes allows you to make a strict diet varied, healthy, tasty, without putting your stomach at risk, as well as reduce symptoms, relieve pain, nausea, and speed up recovery.

Is it possible to eat pumpkin with gastritis

Is it possible to pumpkin with gastritis

With gastric diseases, diet is a prerequisite for recovery. The diet is made so as not to burden the digestive tract with heavy food and to clean the intestines from undigested residues as much as possible. Even the superficial form of gastritis requires the selection of special nutrition, where pumpkin becomes an indispensable product.

Gastroenterologists especially single out an orange vegetable from a number of other products allowed for gastritis. In severe, advanced forms of gastritis, gastroduodenitis, erosion, ulcers, pumpkin is the basis of therapeutic diets and a source of nutrients for the body.

Regular use of properly prepared pulp helps to stop exacerbations, accelerates the onset of remission, and relieves pain attacks. Pumpkin for gastritis with high acidity of the stomach is one of the most useful products and can be classified as an essential medicine.

Is it possible to drink pumpkin juice with gastritis

A thick, orange liquid squeezed from the vegetable has all the healing properties of the fruit and does not contain dietary fiber. Thus, the effect of fiber on the mucous membranes is completely excluded, and the effect of pumpkin in gastritis becomes even softer.

A concentrated drink quickly suppresses excess hydrochloric acid, but at the same time enhances bile secretion, which makes it possible for patients with both increased and reduced secretion to drink juice with slight corrections in the recipe.

It is recommended to take a pumpkin drink daily for 10-14 days if there are pains in the stomach of unknown origin, with exacerbation of gastritis, violations of bile flow, bulbite. Pumpkin juice with gastritis is drunk on an empty stomach with increased acidity or between meals with insufficient gastric secretion.

Important! With gastritis, it is unacceptable to take a drink cold, even in the heat. It is optimal to heat it just above room temperature.

What is useful pumpkin for gastritis

The inflammatory process that develops in the mucous membranes of the digestive tract can be caused by various reasons. Bacteria, viruses, excess heavy or junk food, even stress can cause painful disorders. To eliminate each type of gastritis, the doctor selects medication based on the cause. But one thing is common in therapy – the need for a diet.

There are several reasons why pumpkin occupies a leading place in medical nutrition for gastritis:

  1. The tender pulp of the vegetable is well absorbed, the fiber has a soft texture and cleanses the intestines without injuring the mucous membranes.
  2. When digested and passing through the digestive tract, pumpkin envelops its walls with a delicate protective layer, under which erosions and ulcers heal faster, inflammation subsides, and pain subsides.
  3. The vegetable is low in calories and high in water, which allows the stomach to digest it without overworking the glands.
  4. Pumpkin is a source of many vitamins and minerals that are able to regulate metabolism, strengthen immunity, supporting the body during a strict diet.

Antioxidant, detoxifying properties of orange pulp allow you to gently cleanse the cells of all organs and systems, which facilitates the course of gastritis, speeds up recovery.

Is it possible to eat pumpkin with gastritis

High acidity

With hyperacid disorders in the gastrointestinal tract (with increased production of hydrochloric acid), the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines are constantly exposed to the aggressive effects of gastric juice. Even after eating and digesting food, a large amount of enzymes remains and continues to be produced in the stomach.

The acid begins to destroy the cells lining the stomach. Such a process threatens to spread to neighboring organs. Inflamed tissues are very sensitive to any impact. Many types of food injure or additionally burn the inner surface. Pumpkin with gastritis with high acidity becomes a salvation, because in the process of digestion of the pulp, the acid is neutralized.

Regular consumption of a properly prepared vegetable or juice from it extinguishes the excessive activity of the glands, allowing epithelial cells to recover. Gelling substances in the composition of the pumpkin cover the inflamed areas with a thin film, under which regeneration takes place.

Pumpkin seeds also contain many substances useful for gastritis, but doctors believe that this product is able to stimulate the stomach glands to produce juice. Seeds have a denser structure, their particles can damage the inflamed areas of the mucosa. Therefore, the seeds are allowed to be eaten in small quantities, ground or thoroughly chewed.

Warning! Pumpkin seeds with an erosive form of gastritis should not be consumed. Gastric or duodenal ulcers are also contraindications to this product.

Low acidity

The ability of pumpkin to bind excess acid with reduced secretion of glands can be harmful. But the rest of the medicinal effects that regulate peristalsis properties, the dietary value of the pulp make it possible to moderately use the vegetable even with gastritis with low acidity.

Pumpkin pulp is used in small quantities as part of complex dishes. It is good to combine it with other allowed vegetables, herbs, fruits. With this type of disease, you can drink pumpkin juice, diluted to half with apple, potato, carrot. A pure orange drink without impurities can be taken ½ hour after a meal, no more than a quarter cup at a time.

With atrophic gastritis, pumpkin and juice from it are essential components of the diet, because the damaged epithelium is not able to cope with coarser food. Weak secretion of the glands leads to incomplete digestion and evacuation of food, which creates stagnation of residues in the stomach, provoking their decay. Pumpkin prevents fermentation, neutralizes toxins, gently removes the contents into the intestines, and helps its smooth operation.

Reception Features

There are very sweet pumpkin varieties with tender flesh that can be eaten raw. But with serious deviations in the work of the stomach, such food is still difficult to digest and can mechanically damage the inflamed areas. With superficial gastritis and during remissions, the use of a small amount of fresh pulp in mixed salads is allowed.

Recommended types of cooked pumpkin for gastritis:

  • boiled: soups, purees, cereals;
  • stewed: in a stew with allowed vegetables;
  • baked: as a main course or dessert;

There are many recipes for fried dishes with pumpkin, but with gastritis, this cooking method is unacceptable. All your favorite dishes can be steamed or in the oven.

Is it possible to eat pumpkin with gastritis

Since during the treatment of gastritis fractional nutrition is shown up to 6 times a day, and pumpkin can be cooked in many ways, the vegetable can be constantly present on the table. The doctor determines the portion sizes individually, based on the severity of the pathology.

With gastritis, you can drink pumpkin juice daily in an amount of up to 200 ml, unless the doctor prescribes otherwise. It is advisable to break the entire amount into small portions so that the therapeutic effect is regular.

Recipes for dietary pumpkin dishes for gastritis

One simple vegetable can provide a very varied menu for gastritis, which at the same time will be a serious help in drug therapy. To heal the stomach, and not harm it, you should follow a few rules:

  • with any method of cooking pumpkin, it is unacceptable to use spices, strong aromatic herbs, garlic, onions, all types of hot peppers;
  • with gastritis, it is permissible to add dill, basil, and other herbs to add flavor to dishes;
  • animal fats are replaced with vegetable ones, if possible, pumpkin oil is used.

With gastritis, desserts and pumpkin main dishes can be seasoned with low-fat varieties of sour cream and cream.

Important! Any dairy products are also selected in accordance with the diagnosis. With gastritis with increased secretion, fermented milk products should be avoided.


For cooking dishes that are useful for gastritis, choose sweet pumpkin varieties with bright pulp. If you take a specimen with a pale middle of moderate sweetness, you can serve a dish with herbs and sour cream as a side dish.

The hard peel is cut off from the vegetable, the seeds are selected, and the pulp is cut into cubes. Heat treatment of pumpkin with gastritis can be done by boiling, baking or steaming the dish.

Pumpkin porridge with honey

This dish is easy to cook in a double boiler, the process will take no more than 20 minutes.


  1. Orange pulp cubes are placed in a double boiler.
  2. Process for about 15 minutes, depending on the ripeness and consistency of the pumpkin.
  3. The cubes can be left whole or mashed into a puree.
  4. Honey is added to the slightly cooled mass.

The dish has no contraindications and can be used even in the acute stage.

Comment! Cereal porridge with pumpkin is cooked until completely boiled. The longer the food warms up, the better. With an exacerbation of gastritis, it is important to completely boil the cereal to a tender, slimy consistency.

Millet porridge with pumpkin

An interesting option for serving porridge in the form of a casserole. Additional processing in the oven makes the mass even more tender and easier on the stomach.

Is it possible to eat pumpkin with gastritis


  • chopped pumpkin pulp (can be grated) – 1 cup;
  • low fat milk – 2 cups;
  • millet groats – 0,5 cups;
  • eggs – 2 pcs .;
  • crackers or flour for sprinkling the form.


  1. Bring milk to a boil, boil pumpkin and millet in it for 10 minutes.
  2. Add sugar, a pinch of salt, mix.
  3. Whisk the eggs and carefully fold into the porridge.
  4. Put the mass into a mold, grease the top with sour cream.
  5. Keep the dish in the oven at 180 ° C until golden brown.

Slightly changing the ingredients, with gastritis, porridge with pumpkin can be consumed daily. The best cereals for such a diet are rice, millet, corn. You can use any other than wheat and whole oatmeal. It is important to follow the rule of nutrition for gastritis – one dish at a time. You should not eat more than the amount of pumpkin prescribed by your doctor at a time, especially if the recipe contains cereals.


Since raw pulp can be more difficult for the stomach to digest than boiled, pumpkin for salad should be especially tender, oily. Raw dishes are allowed to be included in the diet only for mild forms of gastritis or during remission. It is advised to resort to such recipes no more than 2 times a week, limited to a small portion at a time.

Diet salad

May include different vegetables except pumpkin from the list of those allowed for gastritis: zucchini, cucumbers, carrots, fresh herbs. All vegetables are peeled and finely chopped. You can season a salad with gastritis only with a very small amount of salt, olive or pumpkin oil.

In no case should you flavor the dish with seeds, nuts. With low acidity, it is permissible to sprinkle the salad with lemon juice.

Fruit salad

The versatility of the taste of pumpkin allows you to make a dessert dish out of its pulp. In the composition, you can enter any fruits allowed for gastritis. Apples, carrots, bananas are considered a good combination for pumpkin.

You can season fruit salad with honey (sugar) and a small amount of sour cream. Pumpkin pulp for such a dish should be especially soft, ripe and sweet.

First course

Liquid food is especially important for patients with gastritis. During periods of exacerbation, the entire diet should consist of well-cooked, liquid dishes. After the onset of remission, the soup must be entered into the menu daily.

For pumpkin soup, you will need the simplest ingredients:

  • pumpkin pulp;
  • potatoes;
  • carrot;
  • bow.

All vegetables are peeled and cut into equal pieces. The onion is cut in half. In boiling water or a weak broth, vegetables are boiled for about 10 minutes. Remove the onion from the pan, pour in the pieces of pumpkin and simmer for another 30 minutes under the lid. After turning off the heating, wait until it cools down to an acceptable temperature. Greens are added to the real soup.

Soups in the form of mashed potatoes from a minimum set of vegetables and pumpkin can be consumed daily with erosive gastritis, atrophic changes, in the acute stage of all forms of the disease. To obtain a homogeneous fraction, it is enough to grind the dish in a blender.

Pumpkin Cutlets

You can diversify the table with severe restrictions associated with the treatment of gastritis by preparing vegetable cutlets. They differ from the usual ones not only in composition, but also in the method of heat treatment. With gastritis, cutlets are not fried, but steamed or baked in the oven.

Quick pumpkin cutlets

The dish is easy to make and takes a minimum of time at the stove. For cutlets, it is better to use soft varieties of pumpkin so that the fibers have time to soften without cooking.


  1. Pumpkin pulp (about 200 g) is crushed with a grater.
  2. Enter 1 chicken egg, a pinch of salt and 2 tbsp. l. flour.
  3. Thoroughly mix the mass. The consistency should be thick and not drip off a spoon.
  4. Form small cutlets, roll them in flour.
  5. Lay on a sheet and bake or send to a double boiler for 20 minutes.
Advice! Semolina is not suitable for breading for gastritis. Its structure does not soften with this method of preparation and can harm the stomach.

With gastritis, it is undesirable to eat such dishes daily. Cutlets are introduced into the menu no more than twice a week in small quantities.

Chicken cutlets with pumpkin

Dietary poultry meat is allowed and even indicated during the treatment of gastritis. In order to facilitate the digestion of animal fibers, pumpkin is introduced into the composition. To compensate for its neutralizing effect on the acid, you can add a little spinach.


  1. Boil 0,5 kg of chicken breast.
  2. Grate 1 kg of pumpkin pulp.
  3. Spinach (about 50 g) is cut and dried in a hot pan until soft.
  4. The cooled fillet is crushed with a blender along with spinach and mixed with pumpkin.
  5. Knead the mass with the addition of 1 egg. If the mass is too thick, add a spoonful of cream.
  6. Cutlets are formed and steamed for at least 30 minutes.

The enveloping properties of pumpkin are somewhat reduced due to the rapid heat treatment, which does not lead to boiling of the product. But the nutritional value and ability to improve digestion are fully manifested.


The versatility in the culinary use of pumpkin allows you to prepare desserts that are allowed for patients with gastritis, are useful for healthy people and are exceptionally tasty. If sugar is prohibited for medical reasons, the natural sweetness of pumpkin may be sufficient for such dishes.

Kissel and jelly

The enveloping properties of the product can be enhanced by cooking jelly or jelly. With hyperacid gastritis, you can boil pumpkin juice with a spoonful of starch and drink the drink warm between meals. Jelly on gelatin helps to stop gastric bleeding and is especially indicated for ulcers and erosive processes.


  • sweet pumpkin pulp – 300 g;
  • gelatin – 2 tbsp. l .;
  • water – 150 ml;
  • apple juice (with insufficient gastric secretion) – no more than 50 ml.

Is it possible to eat pumpkin with gastritis


  1. Soak gelatin with 50 ml of water.
  2. Simmer the pumpkin pieces under the lid with a small amount of liquid (100 ml).
  3. Apple juice and a gelatin solution prepared in a water bath are poured into the pureed pumpkin.
  4. Thoroughly mix the mass and pour into molds.

The peculiarity of the use of gelatin for gastritis is that the dessert cannot be eaten cold. Before use, gelled juice is kept at room temperature until heated.

steamed english pudding

The classic English dish absolutely meets the requirements of a diet for gastritis. You should only carefully select dairy products that are suitable for the type of disease.

Is it possible to eat pumpkin with gastritis


  • pumpkin pulp, minced in a meat grinder – 2 cups;
  • fresh nettle leaves – 50 g;
  • semolina – 30 g;
  • eggs – 3 pcs .;
  • raisins and salt are added to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Nettle is crushed together with pumpkin.
  2. Semolina, eggs, salt, raisins are mixed into the mass.
  3. The composition is poured into the mold and sent to the slow cooker for 20 minutes.

Warm pudding is served with sour cream or its mixture with soft cottage cheese. With gastritis, pudding should be consumed in small portions. Exacerbations and erosion are a contraindication to such food. During persistent remissions, dessert is consumed no more than 2 times a week.

Baked pumpkin

Baking is the easiest and at the same time useful way to use pumpkin for gastritis. If you choose a sweet enough variety, then the dish can be safely attributed to desserts. If the pulp is hard, you can fix it when baking and soften the fibers of the vegetable enough.

According to the therapeutic effect of gastritis, baked pumpkin is the leader among similar dishes. It retains not only all the healing properties, but also most of the vitamins and minerals.


For cooking, choose small specimens, not larger than 2 kg. You don’t have to peel the skin, just wash and dry the vegetable from the outside. More preparation for the pumpkin is not required.

At a temperature of about 200 ° C, the pumpkin is baked in the oven for at least an hour. The cooled vegetable is cut into portions and served with butter, honey, sour cream, choosing an additive allowed by a personal diet.

In pieces

For such baking, the size of the vegetable is not important. The peeled pulp is cut into large cubes and folded into foil. Salt or sprinkle with sugar to taste. After wrapping the pumpkin, it is sent to the oven (180 ° C) for 20 minutes.

Soft, baked pulp is especially indicated for nutrition in the erosive form of gastritis. With increased acidity, you can eat such monodishes every day.

Features of the preparation of pumpkin juice

With gastritis, an orange vegetable drink is a necessary remedy. It is taken separately, mixed with potato, cabbage or apple according to indications. Pumpkin juice for gastritis with high production of gastric juice can be considered a separate therapy. With low acidity, it is useful to dilute the drink with acid-containing fruits on the recommendation of a doctor.

Is it possible to eat pumpkin with gastritis

For juice, sweet varieties with orange or bright yellow flesh are chosen. The saturation of the color indicates the concentration of pectin, which plays a healing role in gastritis. Especially large specimens, even if the variety is chosen correctly, may turn out to be rather dry inside. For juice, small pumpkins weighing up to 5 kg are better suited.

in juicer

The fastest and easiest way to get pumpkin juice. The pulp in the amount of 300 g is cut into small pieces and passed through the unit. The cake separated by the machine can be boiled with water, added to other dietary dishes.

Important! The juice is fresh, raw, without pulp. The possibility of drinking raw thermally processed juice should be consulted separately with a gastroenterologist.


The pulp is pre-rubbed on a grater with small holes. Lay the mass on several layers of gauze and squeeze the juice with your hands. The leftover pomace is juicier than that from a juicer and can form the basis of a porridge or be added to the broth when boiling a thick soup. Cooked pumpkin juice is drunk immediately. The destruction of vitamins in the air begins 20 minutes after pressing.

with pulp

For those suffering from gastric diseases against the background of high acidity, juice can only be prepared from pumpkin. With reduced activity of the stomach, boiled apple juice is added to the same recipe in a ratio of 1: 1.


  1. Pour 1 liter of clean drinking water into the pan, pour 1,5 kg of chopped pumpkin, put on fire.
  2. After waiting for the boil, cook the composition for another 10 minutes.
  3. Allow the mass to cool.
  4. Puree with a blender or grind the pulp through a sieve.
  5. At this point, you can add apple juice and boil the product again.

A healthy drink is drunk on the recommendation of a doctor, but not more than 200 ml per day. Conventional therapy regimens involve taking ¼ cup of juice several times a day. Treatment continues for at least 2 weeks. A noticeable relief of pain, nausea, heartburn can occur immediately or on the 2nd day of therapy. With the advanced stages of gastritis, at least a week is needed for tangible results.

Limitations and contraindications

A healthy vegetable has a very delicate texture and has a mild effect on the body, but there are still contraindications to its intake:

  1. Hypersensitivity or individual intolerance to pumpkin.
  2. Raw is not recommended for gastritis with reduced acidity.
  3. Sweet varieties baked are contraindicated in diabetes.
Important! The temperature of the product before consumption should be moderately warm: hot and cold food will cause pain and harm the inflamed tissues.


Pumpkin for gastritis is a simple and tasty way to treat. The vegetable provides a general improvement of the digestive system, allows the body to receive the necessary substances even in the strictest diet. Pumpkin is affordable and easy to prepare, and its versatile flavor is suitable for both main courses and desserts.

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