Is it possible to eat pumpkin seeds with pancreatitis

Not everyone knows whether it is possible to take pumpkin seeds for pancreatitis. This is a rather controversial question, which is difficult to answer unambiguously. On the one hand, the product contains a lot of fat, which is unfavorable for this disease. On the other hand, it contains useful substances that can alleviate the course of pancreatitis. So, is it possible to use pumpkin seeds for pancreatitis, it is worth understanding in detail.

Is it possible to eat pumpkin seeds with pancreatitis

Why is pancreatitis dangerous?

According to domestic researchers, Our Country leads in the number of people suffering from pancreatitis. It is important to understand what is happening in the body. Remnants of food enter the intestines, which are digested by pancreatic enzymes. Sometimes the food becomes too plentiful, fatty, or alcohol enters the digestive tract. In this case, the outflow of pancreatic enzymes is disturbed and the process of digestion of one’s own tissues begins – this is how pancreatitis develops. The inflammation that occurs in this case contributes to the gradual replacement of gland tissues with adipose and scar tissue.

All this leads to the appearance of severe pain, which is permanent or increasing. It is localized in the epigastric region, spreading mainly to the left side. You can not endure the pain in the acute form of pancreatitis, but you need to immediately seek medical help, because delay is life-threatening. If a diagnosis is made in time, an assessment of the severity of the patient’s condition is carried out, this gives a greater chance that the person will remain alive and will have at least some quality of life in the future.

Is it possible to eat pumpkin seeds with pancreatitis

Is it possible to eat pumpkin seeds with pancreatitis

People often eat pumpkin seeds as a treat. They are not only tasty, but also useful. It is important to understand whether pumpkin seeds can be eaten with pancreatitis, because the pancreas does not like a high fat content in food. And, as you know, there are plenty of them in seeds. This is an extremely fatty and high-calorie product.

In addition, pumpkin seeds contain a lot of fiber, which is quite difficult to digest. It is also not very favorable for the pancreas, therefore, even a healthy person should not eat seeds “overwhelmed”, in irregular doses.

You should start taking 10 pieces, gradually increasing to 30-40 g. Seeds can be added to salads, cereals, cocktails or eaten on their own. They go well with many products, first of all, milk and its derivatives, vegetables, cereals.

In what form to use

With pancreatitis, raw seeds are generally not recommended. They need to be dried a little, but not in a pan, where they can burn and overcook. It is best to process the seeds in the oven, electric dryer or microwave. With pancreatitis, pumpkin seeds are allowed to be consumed only under the condition of a stable remission, which has lasted for at least 6 months.

In order for the seeds to benefit the body, they cannot be subjected to high-temperature processing. In this case, healthy fats, which are rich in pumpkin seeds, are transformed into carcinogens, and vitamins break down.

The most dangerous are seeds that are already sold in a peeled, fried form. In this case, destructive harmful processes were launched long ago and continued for a long period. The next danger that can come from pumpkin seeds lies in their improper storage: without a peel, in a ground state. Due to contact with air and light, the same healthy fats are oxidized, which manifests itself in the appearance of bitterness and toxic properties.

Attention! Seeds should not be consumed along with sugars and sweet fruits, as these are poorly compatible products. As a result of their intake, the process of fermentation (bloating, flatulence) begins due to the mixing of sugars and complex carbohydrates, which are rich in seeds.

Is it possible to eat pumpkin seeds with pancreatitis

What are the benefits of pumpkin seeds for the pancreas

From time to time, during a period of stable remission, pumpkin seeds can be gradually introduced into the diet of a patient with pancreatitis. With a careful and reasonable attitude, you can even get some benefit in alleviating the disease.

Pumpkin seeds contain a lot of zinc, which is very beneficial for the pancreas. To get this element in full, you should buy seeds in a peel, clean them with your hands so as not to damage tooth enamel, and use them in ground form. The fact is that most zinc is contained in a thin white film covering the peeled seed.

Zinc has many properties that are essential for people suffering from diabetes, pancreatitis, obesity:

  • stimulates the production of insulin;
  • regulates the level of glycemia;
  • facilitates the course of the digestive process;
  • “unloads” the pancreas;
  • removes cholesterol;
  • ensures the stability of visual function;
  • improves metabolism, including the absorption of carbohydrates and fats;
  • activates the activity of the immune system.

This is not all the useful properties of zinc. As can be seen from the above, regular consumption of pumpkin seeds in reasonable amounts will help prevent the development of type 2 diabetes, one of the main complications of pancreatitis.

Is it possible to eat pumpkin seeds with pancreatitis

Rules for taking pumpkin seeds for pancreatitis

With any form of pancreatitis, pumpkin seeds should not be taken in excessive amounts. In each case, this product carries a certain degree of risk to the patient. For acute pancreatitis

In the acute phase of the disease, it is recommended to completely abstain from food for 2-5 days. Moreover, pumpkin seeds should not be consumed. This can lead to a worsening of the condition and complicate health problems even more. If during this period you ignore pain and other pancreatic symptoms, do not consult a doctor and do not follow a diet, there is a threat of further severe complications and even death.

At the end of the acute period, doctors also recommend limiting the intake of fats, fatty meats, sausages, hard cheeses, and so on are contraindicated. Pumpkin seeds also fall under the restriction here, so it is recommended to use them no more than 2 times a week.

For chronic pancreatitis

If you use pumpkin seeds in chronic pancreatitis, they can cause an outbreak of exacerbation. Diet in this case is the main therapeutic method for maintaining health. Therefore, the choice of food must be approached very carefully. If the patient’s condition is unstable, exacerbations often occur, accompanied by a clinical picture characteristic of chronic pancreatitis, it is better to refuse the use of pumpkin seeds.

During the period of remission

You can eat pumpkin seeds with pancreatitis, if the patient has a fairly long time there is a persistent improvement in the condition (> 3 months). Seeds should never be fried, spicy, salty or sweet. You can use only moderately dried seeds in the oven, without damage.

With pancreatitis and cholecystitis

Pumpkin seeds for pancreatitis and cholecystitis, doctors do not recommend eating at all. Very often these two diseases accompany each other. They are united by the fact that they are both inflammatory in nature, affecting the digestive process. Cholecystitis always accompanies a violation of the outflow of bile into the duodenum, its stagnation. In turn, this causes a violation of the outflow of pancreatic enzymes, as a result, the gland tissues are reborn, lose their functions.

Pumpkin seeds have a choleretic effect. And if the cause of pancreatitis is a blockage of the bile ducts due to dyskinesia, the presence of stones, parasites in them, the patient’s condition may worsen significantly as a result of the use of seeds. Also, the seeds contain salicylic acid, which irritates the digestive tract and can cause an exacerbation of ulcers (stomach, duodenal ulcer), gastritis.

The issue of health. Acute pancreatitis. 21.07.2014/XNUMX/XNUMX

Is it possible to eat pumpkin seeds with pancreatitis


During the period of exacerbation, the use of any seeds for the patient is prohibited. The function of digesting fats during this period in the pancreas is seriously impaired or completely absent. The intake of such food overly strains the organ, which can result in severe dagger-like pains in the left hypochondrium, nausea, and vomiting.

Excessive gas formation also appears, which puts pressure on nearby internal organs, causing pain and malfunctions in their work. For example, pancreatitis often accompanies a violation of the rhythm of heart contractions, pain in this area. As a rule, the true cause of such a condition can not always be determined. And instead of the pancreas, the patient is treated for tachycardia or some other disease, which is actually just a symptom of pancreatitis.

Attention! You should not buy seeds grown in China. In this country, a large number of chemicals are used to grow them.


Pumpkin seeds for pancreatitis should be consumed infrequently and with caution, in small quantities. Otherwise, they will bring harm and entail serious complications. With pancreatitis, pumpkin seeds can be eaten, but they should be taken in a peel, without damage, dried at a gentle temperature. Only such a product will be useful to patients.

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