Some products increase the negative impact of strong alcohol on the body, so they are not recommended to be served as a snack. Nutritionists have identified several categories of dishes that are not compatible with alcohol, and gourds occupy the first place among them. Next, we’ll figure out why you shouldn’t eat vodka and other strong alcohol with melon or watermelon.
Product compatibility
Fruits are among the healthiest foods due to their high content of vitamins and minerals. However, melon and watermelon do not go well not only with alcohol, but also with ordinary dishes. Many combinations have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract and can cause malaise, so nutritionists advise tasting gourds at least an hour after the main meal. Otherwise, sweet pulp can cause flatulence, stomach cramps, and even provoke intestinal obstruction.
Difficulties with the digestion of melon and watermelon, along with other products, are due to the fact that different components of gastric juice are responsible for the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The pulp of gourds is in the stomach for a short time and quickly enters the intestines. Watermelon and melon contain a lot of glucose, fructose and sucrose, which cause an imbalance in the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. The fermentation component is enhanced in the gastric juice. As a result, flatulence and spasms occur.
Do not forget that watermelon and melon tend to accumulate nitrates more than other fruits. As a rule, gourds are rarely eaten in small quantities, and an increased content of chemicals can cause poisoning. The sweet pulp itself stimulates intestinal motility, and nitrates exacerbate the process and can cause diarrhea, vomiting, pain in the stomach and intestines. That is why store-bought watermelons and melons are not recommended for children under two years of age.

The combination of melons with alcohol
Snacking vodka with watermelon means causing dehydration. Alcohol disrupts the normal functioning of the pituitary gland and suppresses the production of the hormone vasopressin, which maintains a normal water-salt balance. The outflow of urine increases, the kidneys begin to work hard, and the watermelon accelerates the withdrawal of fluid. As a result, the excretory system is overloaded, and the body loses not only moisture, but also minerals. Potassium deficiency negatively affects the functioning of the heart muscle, causing dysfunction of the nervous system.
Watermelon and melon not only cause dyspepsia, but also contribute to intoxication. Glucose and fructose are digested first, and alcohol is broken down later. As a result, the processing of ethanol by the liver is delayed, alcohol accumulates in the cells of the body and is slowly excreted. The consequence of such a snack can be not only poor digestion, but also a severe hangover.
However, gastroenterologists often criticize the theory of incompatibility of melons and alcohol. Doctors believe that ethanol suppresses any fermentation and the reason for feeling unwell lies elsewhere. It is customary to eat watermelon and melon in large quantities, therefore, in combination with other products, gourds overload the gastrointestinal tract and make digestion difficult. Especially if fruits are served for dessert, when salads and hot dishes have already been eaten. Doctors explain the heaviness and discomfort in the stomach with elementary overeating.

Fans of culinary experiments often make tincture of vodka on watermelon or pour alcohol directly into the pulp – they “pump” the watermelon with vodka. The dish looks spectacular and can surprise guests at a party. A hole is cut out in the rind of the berry according to the size of the cork, part of the pulp is removed and a bottle of vodka is poured inside. In the future, the watermelon is corked and placed in the refrigerator for several hours. The chilled pulp is cut into slices and served to guests.
Snacking vodka with melon, watermelon and other overly sweet fruits is not recommended for people with chronic gastrointestinal diseases: increased or decreased acidity of gastric juice, cholelithiasis, gastritis. Therefore, you should not take risks and serve gourds as a dessert at the festive table, so that fruits do not cause health problems for guests.