Is it possible to drink beer with diabetes

Diabetes requires a complete revision of the diet and the rejection of bad habits. Strong alcohol is categorically contraindicated for patients, because even in small doses it can lead to unpredictable consequences up to hypoglycemic coma. Beer in diabetes is less dangerous, but you need to use it carefully, given the severity of the disease.

alcohol and glucose

The effect of different types of alcohol on the body is very different. Dessert wines and liqueurs with a high sugar content are contraindicated for diabetics. Strong drinks such as vodka and cognac drastically lower blood glucose levels and can lead to hypoglycemia. Beer against this background looks less dangerous due to the low strength and the minimum amount of sugar, but this does not mean that it can be consumed uncontrollably.

Beer contains from 3,5 to 7% ethanol and if the safe dose is exceeded:

  • increases the activity of insulin production and weakens the effect of antidiabetic drugs;
  • inhibits the production of glycogen by liver cells;
  • stimulates appetite, causing the danger of an overdose of carbohydrates;
  • when excreted from the body, it contributes to an increase in glucose levels.

There is a misconception about the benefits of beer for diabetes due to the presence of brewer’s yeast in its composition. They contain a complex of vitamins and amino acids that have a beneficial effect on metabolism and facilitate the course of the disease. Brewer’s yeast preparations are often prescribed as adjuvant therapy. In the beer itself, the concentration of useful components is insufficient to take it for medicinal purposes.

Is it possible to drink beer with diabetes
The amount of carbohydrates in different types of beer is different


A strict diet is a prerequisite for diabetic patients. To avoid complications, it is necessary to carefully calculate the daily intake of carbohydrates, the content of which is measured in bread units (XE). A balanced diet allows you to partially compensate for carbohydrate metabolism disorders.

One of the main components of beer is malt, which is obtained by sprouting cereal crops, so the foamy drink is a product rich in carbohydrates. The spread in the number of bread units in different varieties can be large – from 0,22 to 0,49 XE. It is necessary to take this difference into account when planning your diet.

Patients with diabetes have an increased risk of obesity, which makes it necessary to closely monitor the nutritional value of foods. Beer is less caloric than hard alcoholic drinks. Depending on the manufacturing technology, 100 g contains from 29 to 53 kcal, which, as a rule, go into the load of the daily diet. The reason for excess weight can also serve as traditional types of snacks – nuts, chips and spicy crackers.

Beer for type 1 diabetes

Doctors do not recommend beer for type XNUMX diabetes. Chronic disease is characterized by a constant increase in blood sugar levels and the need for regular administration of insulin. The use of strong alcoholic beverages in this form of the disease is excluded. Beer is allowed only if the patient’s condition is stable. In this case, the following rules must be observed:

  • limit the amount of foamy drink to one glass no more than once or twice a month;
  • on the day of admission, adjust the dose of insulin;
  • pre-eat foods containing complex carbohydrates;
  • control blood sugar levels with a glucometer;
  • always have on hand medicines that can help in case of an emergency.

Beer for type 2 diabetes

In a mild form, metabolic disorders can be corrected with a low-carbohydrate diet. In severe cases, hypoglycemic drugs are required. Patients with type XNUMX diabetes should drink beer only without exacerbations and take into account a number of points:

  • the amount of foamy drink should not exceed 300 ml per day no more than twice a week;
  • it is necessary to carefully calculate the daily rate of carbohydrates;
  • in no case do not drink beer on an empty stomach and pre-eat foods rich in protein and fiber;
  • give preference to light and low-calorie varieties.

Diabetics should not quench their thirst with a foamy drink after playing sports and visiting a bath or sauna. The loss of fluid leads to a decrease in the level of glucose in the blood serum. In addition, thermal overload dilates blood vessels and enhances the effect of drugs.

non-alcoholic beer for diabetes

In the production of non-alcoholic beer, the technology of multi-stage membrane filtration is most often used. Alcohol is removed from an already prepared drink by passing it through installations equipped with special filters that retain ethanol molecules. Such beer contains a small amount of carbohydrates and is relatively safe to consume.

Less common are methods using special yeasts that do not fully ferment the malt sugar and removing the alcohol by heat treatment. In the first case, the beer turns out to be sweetish in taste, and in the second, it loses its aroma. Such drinks are not recommended for diabetics due to their high carbohydrate content. The composition and calorie content of the product are indicated on the label, when choosing, carefully read the manufacturer’s information.

Attention! Self-medication can be dangerous, consult your doctor.

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