Is it possible to discuss skin problems with a gynecologist?

Women often postpone regular visits to the gynecologist even if they have diseases. But the consultation of this specialist is also useful in case of cosmetic problems – acne and other skin imperfections.

Today, the results of the annual survey of women of reproductive age, the Gedeon Richter Women’s Health Index, became known. This study is being carried out for the third year in a row by the pharmaceutical company Gedeon Richter and the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM).

Women perceive a gynecologist as a narrow specialist who can help prevent a disease, successfully bear a child, or recommend a contraceptive, but not solve cosmetic problems. So, when problems with the skin, acne appear, only 2% of Russian women will immediately turn to a female doctor.

For the purpose of prevention, three out of four Russian women (73%) visit a gynecologist every year. Among the reasons why they refuse regular examinations are the presence of a permanent sexual partner (46%), the absence of health complaints (44%) and the lack of a qualified doctor (30%).

Although the majority of women have preventive check-ups with the recommended regularity, 68% tend to postpone a visit to the doctor if symptoms appear: 57% will go to the doctor if the symptoms persist for a long time, another 11% are willing to wait a long time until they realize that the situation is serious . The most common reason (82%) for visiting a specialist is the discussion of hereditary predisposition to a particular disease.

A common cause of skin problems is hormonal imbalance.

Natalya Podzolkova, Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, RMANPO: “Today we are witnessing a change in the paradigm of attitudes towards one’s health. If in the XNUMXth century, patients turned to doctors already with the presence of a disease in order to cure it, today, in the XNUMXst century, they seek to identify a hereditary predisposition, before the onset of the disease. And this is good news.

Given the shyness that women experience in front of a women’s health specialist, gynecologists should be more observant and pay attention not only to disorders of the reproductive system, but also, for example, to problems with the skin of the face. They can be caused by a hormonal imbalance and indicate the presence of a particular disease.

The study showed that women are not used to discussing skin problems with a gynecologist. When acne or acne appears, they will first of all go to a dermatologist (51%) or a cosmetologist (22%). Only 2% of Russian women will turn to a specialist in women’s health. But if a cosmetologist recommends taking hormonal drugs to solve cosmetic problems, half of the respondents will turn to a gynecologist for additional advice. 5% of respondents already use such preparations to eliminate skin defects, and the vast majority (77%) consider this method effective.

Hormonal drugs for the treatment of skin problems should be prescribed by a gynecologist

Alisa Sharova, Associate Professor of the Department of Reconstructive and Plastic Surgery, Cosmetology and Cellular Technologies, Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogova, member of the ethics committee of the Society for Aesthetic Medicine: “Cosmetologists have standards for the treatment of various cosmetic diseases, depending on their severity.

A separate place in them is occupied by hormonal drugs, which help to significantly increase the effectiveness of therapy. But they should still be prescribed by a specialist in women’s health. That is why we treat patients with similar problems together with doctors of other specialties, including gynecologists.”

Gideon Richter is a Hungarian pharmaceutical company, the largest pharmaceutical manufacturer in Eastern Europe. The company pays special attention to research in the field of the central nervous system and women’s reproductive health. The assets of Gedeon Richter include nine manufacturing and research enterprises. More than 20 years ago, the company opened a plant in Russia, which became the company’s first foreign production site. According to IMS Health, Gedeon Richter is in the TOP-10 foreign pharmaceutical companies operating in the Russian Federation. More about the company at Online.

The Gedeon Richter Women’s Health Index is one of the annual events of the Women’s Health Week social project, which is held in Russia by the pharmaceutical company Gedeon Richter. It aims to create a culture of care for their reproductive health among Russian women and inform them about the need for regular visits to a gynecologist.

Promoting the preservation of women’s health is one of the main areas of work of Gedeon Richter

Dr. Attila Varadi, authorized representative of Gedeon Richter (Hungary) in the Russian Federation: “Promoting women’s health is one of the main areas of our company’s work. For more than 100 years, we have been manufacturing medicines that help women prevent and effectively treat reproductive disorders and plan for childbearing.

We have been working in Russia for more than 60 years, and for us this is one of the most significant markets. We want Russian women to be healthy. Therefore, we encourage them to monitor their reproductive health, regularly visit a women’s health specialist, discuss with him the issues of disease prevention, family planning and, of course, all those medical problems that affect beauty.”

The Gedeon Richter Women’s Health Week project expanded its geography in 2018: events aimed at attracting women’s attention to reproductive health issues are already taking place in seven cities – Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Samara, Perm and Yaroslavl.

Among them is the signing of a Protocol of Intentions between Gedeon Richter and the State Hermitage Museum: within the framework of cooperation, the company will contribute to the restoration of female images from the museum’s collection, thereby restoring their health and beauty to them. In 5 cities, women will be able to take part in the photo contest “Women’s Health = Women’s Beauty”

More information about Women’s Health Week can be found at Online.

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