Is it possible to deceive the traffic police breathalyzer

Technological progress has given us one interesting device – a breathalyzer. Now, with its help, vigilant traffic police officers can check whether there is alcohol in the driver’s blood. If the test is positive, big problems with the law begin. Hence the desire to deceive the breathalyzer arose among people. I’ll tell you if it’s realistic.

There are several materials on the Internet on this topic. Some authors argue that the methods they have collected are capable of misleading the instrument.

Folk methods to deceive the breathalyzer:

  • eat a bar of white chocolate, garlic, or a few grains of coffee;
  • use chewing gum or “Anti-cop”;
  • drink 70 ml of sunflower oil;
  • take a shower or go to the bath;
  • exercise stress;
  • Don’t breathe too hard into the tube.

At the same time, no one even tries to explain what type of breathalyzer this or that method is intended for, although the principle of operation of devices of different types is different. By eating alcohol with aromatic substances (chocolate, chewing gum, garlic, etc.), you can try to deceive only the traffic police officer himself, hoping that he will not smell it. The breathalyzer works at the molecular level, it is able to capture and analyze even a tiny amount of ethanol.

Physical education, showers and baths help to quickly remove alcohol from the body, but they will not help to hide its presence in the blood either. It is even more interesting with a weak breath – modern breathalyzers will not give a result until they collect enough air for analysis, therefore the method is ineffective.

Is it possible to deceive the traffic police breathalyzer
Folk methods are ineffective

Conclusion: it is almost impossible to deceive a modern breathalyzer using methods available to the driver in the presence of traffic police officers. Also, be aware of the dangers of drunk driving.

Unfortunately, while on our roads not only unscrupulous drivers come across, but also the same employees of the State traffic inspectorate. In order not to become their victim, I advise you to watch the video, which tells about all the tricks that the inspector uses to distort the readings of the breathalyzer.

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