Is it possible to cut cats; how to cut a cat correctly
The range of pet care salon services is steadily expanding. For example, dog grooming has already become a whole trend in the art of hairdressing. Is it possible to cut cats? And to what extent is such a procedure justified and safe?
Getting rid of tangles is one of the reasons why cats should be sheared.
Grooming pets is called grooming. In relation to cats, this procedure is resorted to for hygienic reasons. The main purpose of a haircut is to rid the fluffy pet of tangles. The knotted coat not only looks ugly, but also causes anxiety to the animal. Mats tighten the skin, thereby disrupting heat exchange and blood flow, causing peeling and itching of the integument.
Cats, being clean animals, try their best to get rid of these lumps. As a result, a pet that has swallowed wool will vomit.
That is why it is advisable to remove tangles systematically with scissors. It is also recommended to cut a cat’s hair when she is sick with shingles.
How often is grooming done? The frequency of clipping depends on the structure and length of the coat. Shaggy breeds can often be worn to the salon. Owners of “fur coats” of medium fluffiness are tidied up with scissors as needed. You don’t have to cut your pet at all if you comb it out regularly.
Are cats cut in summer? It seems logical that you need to rid pets of excess hair in the heat. In fact, it is not advisable to touch the woolen cover in summer, as it protects the skin from sunlight and drafts. But the mats can be cut at any time of the year.
How cats are cut: basic rules
There are several haircut options. Along with hygienic grooming, cats are also doing model grooming in order to give their appearance individuality. To achieve the desired result, you can use a variety of tools: combs, hairdressing and thinning scissors, a professional hair clipper.
Sheared geometric shapes, letters, images give the cats originality.
How to cut a cat correctly? Here are the key recommendations:
- it is impossible to carry out the procedure under anesthesia, as there is a risk of harm to health;
- for the pet to behave calmly, he is given muscle relaxants;
- hairs on the face are not cut, since they are responsible for sensitivity and orientation in space;
- the haircut is not done below the elbow bend (front legs) and under the jump joint (hind legs);
- a brush must be left at the tip of the tail.
You can do your cat’s hair at home, provided that the amateur master has an assistant. The task of the assistant is to hold the pet by its paws, firmly pressing it to the table surface. With the help of a comb and scissors, first remove excess hair on the back, then on the sides and abdomen. Especially carefully it is necessary to cut in the area of folds and nipples.
So, grooming cats is basically a hygienic procedure. You can do grooming both in the salon and at home.