Is it possible to believe fortune-tellers and predictions, video

😉 Hello friends! Many of us want to know our destiny, what lies ahead for us and this is a normal desire. In connection with this desire, we go to a fortune teller, but, unfortunately, most of them are charlatans. Is it possible to believe fortune-tellers, how to determine if this is a real fortune-teller, or is pretending to be a seer?

Should we believe fortune-tellers?

Can fortune tellers be trusted? Let’s figure it out.

A real fortune teller will not hang mice by the tail under a chandelier or dress especially pretentiously. She does not need this, she is confident in her abilities. Outwardly, this is an ordinary woman, and if you accidentally see her in the crowd, you will not understand that this is a sorcerer.

She will not advertise on the Internet or in newspapers. The rumor about her abilities, if they are real, will spread throughout the city.

If you do find such a fortune teller and come to her, be prepared to hear something definite. There should be specificity, not general expressions suitable for everyone.

If you want to spoil, remove it, cure a person from alcoholism, rest assured, it is very difficult. From a simple jar of “potion” nothing will happen, at most someone will be poisoned and no more.

This is not a witch, not a witch, this is a person who sees more than others. But magic and occultism are not available to her in principle, so do not hope that she will wave her wand and your troubles will disappear.

Is it possible to believe fortune-tellers and predictions, video

You can open the curtain and see roughly what awaits you, what can be avoided, but this does not mean that you will be told. What will happen in five minutes or tomorrow.

Some big events, still significant, a fortuneteller can tell you, but all this is in general and vague. A charlatan will either tell you general words from which you can draw a conclusion. Or, on the contrary, he will say exactly what will happen on a specific question of interest to you.

Common questions that are asked of the seer relate to marriage, children, rival, and more.

Believe in yourself

Try to solve these problems yourself, and then go to the witchcraft. Keep in mind that you are not going to her for a solution to a problem, but to find out more information. Nobody can solve the problem except you. Do not look for easy ways in the person of this prophetess.

If a person believes and fights, he can solve almost any problem. If, nevertheless, not, then it means that the time has not come corny. Why would you know when that time comes? As the Chinese say, put the problem in a distant box and it will be solved by itself.

A good option is to visit a good psychologist or spiritual father. They will be able to help with good advice and find the right solution to a life problem.

Fortunetellers are the path for those who do not want to fight on their own. Believe in yourself, not in predictors, and then everything will work out. Can fortune tellers be trusted? Make a conclusion yourself.

Additional information on the topic (video)

Evgenia Chugunova about fortune-tellers and psychologists

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