Is it possible for pregnant women to roasted sunflower or pumpkin seeds

Is it possible for pregnant women to roasted sunflower or pumpkin seeds

Sunflower and pumpkin seeds are a healthy high-calorie product. But, answering the question of whether it is possible for pregnant women to have seeds and whether they will harm the baby, it must be said that everything is fine in moderation.

Can a pregnant woman eat sunflower seeds?

If a woman in a position does not have an allergy to this product, and she is not going to eat it in kilograms, then the issue is resolved by itself. Small amounts of seeds can be consumed every day, as well as meat, fish, vegetables, dairy products.

Pregnant women can eat seeds in moderation.

The benefits of sunflower seeds are obvious, they are:

  • relieve heartburn;
  • have a beneficial effect on the skin;
  • improve appetite;
  • remove nausea;
  • eliminate constipation;
  • improve hair condition.

Despite all the useful properties, the question still remains whether it is possible for pregnant women to have fried sunflower seeds. When frying, the product loses most of its useful properties, so you should give preference to dried seeds.

It is enough to eat no more than 90-100 g of seeds per day. Abuse of them can provoke constipation, nausea, and abdominal discomfort. Women who are prone to overweight need to remember that sunflower seeds are high in calories, so you should not get carried away with them.

It is best to brush the seeds with your hands rather than your teeth, although this is harder. Tooth enamel in pregnant women is a vulnerable spot, as the baby pulls calcium from the mother’s teeth and bones to form the skeletal system. Therefore, an extra load on the tooth enamel is undesirable.

You need to buy seeds only from trusted and reliable producers who grow sunflowers in ecologically clean areas. A sunflower is a plant that absorbs harmful substances that accumulate in the soil. If a field with sunflowers was located near highways or factories, then such seeds are dangerous to eat.

Can pregnant women eat pumpkin seeds?

Pumpkin seeds contain healthy fats, acids, vitamins and elements. Their use has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body. For pregnant women, this product helps to get rid of heartburn and nausea, to normalize bowel movements.

You can’t eat a lot of seeds at a time. It is enough to eat 30-35 pieces a day, divided into two doses. Since they are high in calories, they should not be eaten at night. Raw pumpkin seeds are most beneficial. Do not eat fried sunflower seeds richly seasoned with salt and spices. Such a product will only hurt.

Seeds will add variety to the diet of a pregnant woman and saturate the body with useful substances, if consumed in moderation.

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