Is it possible for pregnant women to dye their hair with ammonia-free paint

Is it possible for pregnant women to dye their hair with ammonia-free paint

If the expectant mother is interested in whether it is possible for pregnant women to dye their hair, it means that she is really worried about the health of her baby. Fortunately, now there are many sparing products that allow you to look great during the period of gestation.

Can pregnant women dye their hair with ammonia dye?

It is not recommended to dye your hair with ammonia dyes during pregnancy. This can harm both mom and baby. While waiting for a child, some women may experience severe allergic reactions even to the usual paints. Therefore, before each staining, it is imperative to carry out a sensitivity test to the paint components.

Pregnant women can dye their hair with ammonia-free products no more than 1-2 tones lighter or darker

Such paints contain far from harmless substances:

  • ammonia;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • paraphenylenediamine;
  • resorcinol.

Peroxide severely dries and weakens hair, resorcinol irritates the skin, and paraphenylenediamine causes allergies.

Ammonia is especially dangerous. This toxic substance increases the risk of cancer and allergies. Pregnant women do not tolerate harsh odors, and the specific smell of ammonia can make them nauseous, dizzy, headaches, or even faint. Ammonia easily enters the circulatory system through the respiratory tract, therefore it can negatively affect the fetus, even causing developmental defects.

Can pregnant women dye their hair with ammonia-free dye?

Ammonia-free organic paints are safer, they are non-toxic and do not have a pungent odor. These products are not so persistent, but the health of the hair does not suffer from them.

It is worth giving preference to products that contain natural dyes. They not only do not harm, but strengthen the hair, stimulate its growth and get rid of dandruff.

Folk hair dyeing methods are also harmless. The most commonly used tools are:

  • lemon juice;
  • strong brewing of black tea;
  • sage broth;
  • chamomile;
  • henna;
  • print;
  • infusion of walnut bark;
  • decoction of onion peel.

In staining with purchased means, you need to know when to stop. For the entire period of pregnancy, it is recommended to resort to hair coloring no more than 3 times. In the first months after conception, it is advisable to abandon staining altogether, since during this period the fetus begins to lay all vital organs.

It is better that the paint does not get on the scalp. It is not easy to do it yourself, so it is advisable to find yourself an assistant or contact a hairdresser.

Correctly selected safe paint will help the pregnant woman stay beautiful and not harm the baby.

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