Is it possible for pregnant women to drink beer in the early stages

Is it possible for pregnant women to drink beer in the early stages

All alcoholic beverages are prohibited during pregnancy. Let’s figure out if pregnant women can have beer, because it contains natural hop malt. How useful or dangerous this drink is for the health of the baby and the expectant mother.

Can pregnant women drink beer?

Beer is a low alcohol drink. It contains alcohol, and alcohol, even in small doses, has a detrimental effect on a woman’s body, especially if she is pregnant. A half-liter bottle of intoxicating drink is equivalent to 50 ml of vodka.

Is it possible for pregnant women to have beer in the early stages?

One can definitely answer that pregnant women cannot drink beer. Even a sip of intoxicating will harm the baby’s health. Any type of beer contains phytoestrogens. These are hormones that can disrupt hormonal levels during pregnancy and cause premature birth or death of the baby.

The effect of alcohol on the fetus and pregnancy:

  • deviation in the physical development of the unborn baby;
  • the birth of a baby with alcohol dependence syndrome;
  • violation of the psyche and mental activity in a child;
  • the birth of a premature baby with a small body weight;
  • low immunity in a child.

If a pregnant woman abuses beer, then the chances of having a healthy baby are significantly reduced. Sometimes a child is born completely healthy, but with age, developmental delay or mental abnormalities appear. These children have a weak psyche, they are prone to aggression, irritability and nervousness.

The consequences of drinking beer early

Pregnancy is not always planned. It happens that a woman does not know about her situation and drinks alcoholic beverages. When she finds out that she is pregnant, the question immediately arises whether it is possible for pregnant women in the early stages and what the consequences may be.

Drinking this intoxicating drink in the first and second trimester is more dangerous than in the third. In the early stages, the fetus, all organs and systems are formed. The following consequences are possible:

  • intrauterine fetal death;
  • miscarriage;
  • preterm delivery;
  • physical deformities;
  • intrauterine growth retardation;
  • fetal hypoxia.

Of course, if you drank once, not knowing that you are pregnant, then there will be no such dire consequences, but regular abuse of alcoholic beverages will definitely not lead to good.

Beer is contraindicated during pregnancy. This applies to live and even non-alcoholic drinks. They contain chemicals that are harmful to the fetus. If you care about the health of your unborn baby, overcome your desire to drink beer, drink better than juice.

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