Many women are afraid to use honeysuckle during breastfeeding. The main fear concerns the high likelihood of developing an allergic reaction in a child. But in fact, the berry is not prohibited during breastfeeding. It contains a lot of useful substances necessary for the full development of the child.

Is honeysuckle possible while breastfeeding

Honeysuckle is a rich purple berry that grows on a shrub of the Honeysuckle family. It has a distinct sweet and sour taste. Berry is not considered a traditional remedy. In addition, it does not contain substances hazardous to the human body. Therefore, honeysuckle is not prohibited for use by women who practice breastfeeding. But its introduction into the diet is distinguished by a number of nuances that are extremely important to consider.

Only a certain variety of fruit is suitable for consumption, since there are also poisonous varieties. A characteristic feature of edible honeysuckle is a bright color and a slight whitish bloom. The red and orange varieties should be avoided as they are inedible. If you eat poisonous fruits, toxic poisoning will develop. It is dangerous for the life of a woman and her child.

Is it possible for a nursing mother honeysuckle

To neutralize the sour taste of the berry, you need to lightly sprinkle it with sugar.

Important! When breastfeeding, honeysuckle can be used to reduce fever in cases where medication is contraindicated.

The benefits and harms of honeysuckle with HB

Honeysuckle is one of the main sources of vitamins and minerals. Its undoubted advantages over other berries and fruits are early ripening and frost resistance. It is completely ready for collection in early June. During breastfeeding, it can have not only benefits, but also harmful effects. Due to the pronounced diuretic effect, the fruits can provoke significant discomfort.

Before eating honeysuckle for food during breastfeeding, its composition should be studied. It contains pectins, which have a stimulating effect on the work of the intestines. The abundant content of ascorbic acid helps to strengthen the immune system, which is especially important during flu and cold epidemics. Minerals and vitamins make milk more nutritious, which favorably affects the health of the baby. Iodine, present in the composition of the product, ensures the full functioning of the endocrine system, which has an indirect effect on the process of milk production. At the same time, the product helps to stabilize the emotional state and restore the sleep of a newly-made mother. The most significant beneficial properties of honeysuckle during breastfeeding include:

  • assistance in the formation of the child’s musculoskeletal system;
  • replenishment of iron levels in the body;
  • normalization of the emotional state of a woman and her child;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • cleansing the body of a nursing woman from toxins;
  • antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action;
  • help in weight loss after childbirth.

Since honeysuckle contains many vitamins and minerals, it helps to quickly cope with postpartum problems. The most common of these include hair loss and brittle nails. Regular consumption of berries in food allows you to maintain a vitamin and mineral reserve at the required level. In addition, the product helps to normalize metabolism and tidy up the hormonal background. It relieves headaches and increases efficiency, is useful for high blood pressure.

Despite the variety of benefits, breastfeeding women should exercise caution when using honeysuckle. It can act as an allergen that can provoke a negative reaction in the child in the form of a rash. An excessive amount of honeysuckle is also undesirable if a woman has kidney problems. Due to the diuretic effect, the symptoms of the disease may become more pronounced. With exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal ailments, purple fruits worsen well-being, causing pain in the abdomen. Sometimes eaten honeysuckle during breastfeeding can adversely affect the baby’s stool.

Is it possible for a nursing mother honeysuckle

Honeysuckle juice should be diluted with water before taking.

How to eat honeysuckle for a nursing mother

While breastfeeding, a woman is allowed to eat a small bunch of honeysuckle daily. It is advisable to introduce it into the diet in small portions. But doctors do not recommend doing this earlier than 3-4 months after childbirth. In the first months, it is desirable to completely abandon potential allergens.

The most optimal form of the product is in the form of compote or fruit drink. It is strictly forbidden to drink more than 3 tbsp. drink per day. It is undesirable to cool the juice before use. It must be at room temperature.

You can also use dried and frozen berries. The amount of useful components during heat treatment changes slightly. Such a product can be bought ready-made in any supermarket or prepared independently. The most suitable time for drying and freezing berries is in early autumn. Permissible daily dosage – 50 g. In the autumn-winter period, berries should be eaten to prevent colds.

Honeysuckle jam while breastfeeding can be used as a substitute for desserts with a less healthy composition. It is added to cereals and used as a filling for baking. This variation is especially relevant in winter, when it is not possible to purchase the product fresh. When using jam, you must also remember about its high calorie content due to the sugar content.

Attention! Immediately after eating honeysuckle, it is not recommended to drink water, as this will provoke indigestion.

Contraindications and precautions

When breastfeeding, a woman should be more responsible for the presence of honeysuckle contraindications. This will prevent unwanted consequences for both the child and the mother herself. Contraindications include:

  • diseases of the kidneys and biliary tract;
  • low blood pressure;
  • allergic reaction;
  • indigestion.

When using honeysuckle while breastfeeding, you need to remember the need to comply with the dosage. Even the most useful remedy can be harmful to health if used in excess. It is equally important to monitor how the baby reacts to the introduction of a new product into the diet. It is advisable to eat 2-3 fruits and follow the child. If after 2-3 hours no negative symptoms appear, you can increase the daily dosage. In most cases, the berry is well tolerated without causing side effects.


Honeysuckle while breastfeeding can be a great way to strengthen the immune system and enrich the composition of breast milk. To get the most out of it, you need to take into account even the smallest nuances. If side effects occur, you should stop eating the product.

Nursing mother’s nutrition, nursing diet, nursing products

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